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DY Patil International University (DYPIU): Cutoff 2024 – Check Previous Year Cutoff & Trends





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Updated on Jan 09, 2025


Overview of D Y Patil International University (DYPIU) Cutoff for 2025

D Y Patil International University (DYPIU) located in Akurdi, Maharashtra is one of the best resourced universities and offers a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Programme admissions are subject to the cut-off marks from a number of entrance tests including the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET), MAHCET, and JEE Main. This article presents a detailed study of the cutoffs for the academic session 2024 for various courses and categories.

Importance of Cutoff Marks 

The cutoff marks/bar serve more than one purpose, which includes ensuring a certain level of education and helping potential candidates plan their admission. Below are important reasons as to why these cutoffs are important:

  1. Assurance of Quality
    Implementing a cutoff percentile helps in assessing the academic credentials of aspirants, and hence, selects only those who meet a predetermined academic threshold. In this way, DYPIU  is able to compartmentalize the applicants and consequently admits students who are ready for the demands of the curriculum offered by the institution.
  2. Competitive Edge and Program Demand
    Cut off marks also reflect the levels of interest and competitive nature of certain programs. Higher cutoffs are likely to mean higher demand which is indicative of the intensity of competition that the students can expect. For instance, cutoffs in the areas Of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Computer Science are higher due to the popularity of these fields among the students.
  3. Guidance for Future Candidates
    Familiarization with past and current cut-off ranks is important as it assists prospective applicants ascertain the scores that they need to aim for. If a student aspiring to B.Tech in Data Science can observe that the closing rank is 8690 and can aim for a score accordingly.
  4. Equity and Encouragement of Diversity
    Cutt offs and its reservation policies helps in promoting equity within education. By relaxing the cutoffs for certain categories, DYPIU  is able to bring in students of different backgrounds who enrich learning for all as different viewpoints are expressed in class.

MHT CET Cutoff 2024

The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (MHT CET) is one of the important examinations for students willing to take admissions in engineering colleges in the state of Maharashtra. For the purposes of cross checking admission eligibility for MHT CET 2024 for EWS (Economically Weaker Section Category) candidates, the overall cutoff percentile falls anywhere in the range of 43.44 to 93.67. The following are the course wise cutoffs for different engineering branches offered at DYPIU:

MHT CET Cutoff for Engineering Courses

Course Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
BE Computer Engineering 93.67 94.45 93.64
BE Information Technology 93.48 93.44 93.38
BE Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 92.12 92.63 92.63
BE Electronics & Telecom Engineering 89.28 89.33 90.29
BE Robotics and Automation 85.51 86.18 83.54

These cutoffs indicate the minimum percentile required for admission into each course during the respective rounds of counseling.

MAHCET Cutoff 2024

The MAHCET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test) is taken for postgraduate programs like MBA and the overall cutoff centile for the EWS category for the year 2024 is 84.67.

MAHCET Cutoff for MBA Programs

Course Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
MBA 84.67 81.64 91.11

The variation in cutoffs across rounds reflects changes in applicant numbers and preferences.

JEE Main Cutoff 2023

In addition to admission through JEE Main, DYPIU also accepts the score of this national level examination. The JEE Main cutoff rank for various courses and rounds ranges from 6400 to 53840.

JEE Main Cutoff for Engineering Courses

Course Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
BE Computer Engineering 6400 5922 6199
BE Information Technology 6648 5978 6441
BE Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 8690 7226 8029
BE Electronics & Telecom Engineering 12472 8519 9748
BE Robotics and Automation 14268 15302 15572

Such ranks represent the position of the last admitted candidate in each of the rounds and trust me, it further underlines the stiff competition for such programs.

Factors Influencing Cutoff Marks

A number of factors subject the cutoff marks to a variation every year. Awareness of these factors is important as they prepare the candidates for the admission procedure:

  1. Candidate Pool: The cut off is heavily reliant on the number of applicants who applied. With an increase in the number of applicants, there is increased competition and thus the cut off usually rises. On the other hand, a smaller number of applicants might result in a less easier cut off . 
  2. Exam Difficulty: The JEE Main exam difficulty level cut off scores set by authorities for the exam. if the students have taken an exceptionally challenging examination, it is expected that the mean scores will be low, which will subsequently lead to a decrease in the cutoff. This infact does aid the students when such entrances focus on the extreme end of the difficulty range and help adjust the equilibrium point of the admission policy where the exam or exams in question have different levels of difficulty.
  3.  Seat Availability: Each course offers a certain number of places which influences the cutoff position. The programs where there are less number of seats available such as Artificial Intelligence very fashionable programs tend to have higher cutoffs. When there is limited seat availability among the candidates, the cutoffs tend to rise due to the increased level of competition. 
  4. Historical Trends: Colleges also study the cutoffs of the last years in order to comprehend and predict the tendencies in the future. For example, if DYPIU observes a growing trend in the interest towards its Computer Science course, it may implement higher cutoffs in order to control the level of interest and seat allocation.


The cutoff trends at D Y Patil International University are important to prospective students who wish to gain admission in to their preferred courses. The different cutoffs in same entrance examination - MHT CET, MAHCET and JEE Main - for the engineering and management aspirants in the state of Maharashtra explains why and how difficult it is to study engineering and management in the state. Yet, would-be students need to be prepared accordingly based on how well they expect to do on those tests and how high the cutoffs have been for their preferred courses in the past. This way, they will be able to increase their chances of getting admitted to DYPIU and other prestigious institutions based in Maharashtra. As admissions draw closer, the candidates will find it helpful to know issues such as when the seats become available and the trends in the cut off's that may change due the completion of subsequent rounds of counseling or change in the applicant's characteristics.

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