Updated on Jan 09, 2025
The candidates should be Indian Nationals. The candidates should satisfy local/ non-local status requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh educational institution.
Age limit:
The candidates should have completed the age of 19 years on the 1st of July in the year in which notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.
Educational requirements:
- Candidates should have passed/appearing for final year examinations of B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.A.(O.L)/B.Com./B.C.A./B.B.M./B.E /B.Tech. at the time of submitting the Application for APEdCET-2024. Candidates are required to produce marks, memos and pass certificates at the time of admission.
- Candidates should have secured a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent CGPA either in the Bachelor’s Degree i.e., B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.Com./B.C.A./ B.B.M/B.A(O.L) and or in the Post- Graduate Degree in relevant subject or 5 years integrated course in the relevant subject of methodology or any other qualification equivalent thereto. However the candidates belong to all other reserved categories S.C, S.T, B.C.(A/B/C/D/E), and physically handicapped should have secured a minimum of 40% marks or equivalent CGPA in the qualifying examination.
Eligibility criteria for the choice of subject
Methodology Eligibility
- Mathematics: Candidates with B.A/B.Sc. with Mathematics as one of the group subjects or B.C.A. candidate’s with Mathematics at intermediate level as a group subject or B.E./B.Tech. with Mathematics & Physics at intermediate level.
- Physical Sciences: Candidates with B.Sc. who have studied Physics and Chemistry or Allied Material Sciences (See Annexure-I) under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. Candidates with Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) at intermediate level as group subjects or B.E./B.Tech. with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry at intermediate level.
- Biological Sciences: Candidates with B.Sc./B.Sc.(Home Science) who have studied Botany and Zoology or Allied Life Sciences (See Annexure-II) under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Biological Sciences at intermediate level as group subjects.
- Social Studies: All candidates with B.A./ B.A(O.L)/B.Com./B.B.M. or B.C.A. candidates with Social Sciences at intermediate level as group subjects. 5.English: Candidates with B.A Special English or M.A. English.
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