To fill the application form candidates must visit the official website of the Exam Authority, , then go to the homepage and click on “ Click here for All Online Application Submission- JCECE 2025”. Online application process will be completed in 3 steps.
- Registration and Application form filling
- Image uploading
- Application fee payment
Step 1: Registration and Application form
- In the first step of registration, fill in all the personal details including Father’s name, Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Gender, Residential Status, Category, Aadhar no. Email ID and Mobile No.
- After filling all the information click on save & continue button.
- The candidates login ID will be created and password will be created by Candidate.
- Add educational details
Step 2: Image Uploading
Candidates should have uploaded their coloured photograph and signature in JPG format.
Step 3: Application Fee Payment
- After filling the application form and uploading the images, click on Payment.
- After clicking on the payment button, the bank collect screen will be visible on the screen.