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University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET-2025)

Exam to determine eligibility for assistant professorship and JRF in various subjects across India.

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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has given the National Testing Agency (NTA) the responsibility of administering the UGC-NET. This test determines an Indian national's eligibility for both Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship positions in Indian Universities and colleges. The National Testing Agency (NTA) uses a computer-based approach to administer the UGC-NET.


A candidate's overall UGC-NET Papers I and II score determines eligibility for an assistant professorship or a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Candidates who simply meet the requirements for an associate professorship are not eligible to get a JRF. Candidates who pass the qualifying exam for an assistant professorship are subject to the policies and procedures of the relevant colleges, universities, and state governments, as applicable. Every year, in June and December, UGC-NET is held twice. In collaboration with UGC, the National Testing Agency (NTA) is administering the UGC-NET in 83 topics in a few places throughout the nation to standardize the UGC-NET exam cycle.

Highlights: UGC NET 2025

Exam name University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET)
Conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA)
Exam Level Master’s level
Exam Frequency Twice every year (June & December)
Mode of the Exam Online mode through Computer Based Test
Average students apply every year Approx. 4000-5000
Registration fee general/ unreserved- 1150 Gen-EWS/ OBC-NCL- 600 Scheduled caste (SC)/ Scheduled tribe (ST)/ Person with Disabilities (PwD)- 325/-
Exam duration 180 minutes ( 3 hours) No break between paper 1 & paper 2
Total question 150 Paper I- 50 Paper II- 100
Total marks 300
Marking scheme The candidate scores +2 marks for each correct answer. There is no provision of -ve marking for attempting incorrect answers.
Exam medium Computer based
No. of test cities 398
Official website https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/

Exam dates

In the table below, provided the complete tentative exam dates of UGC NET 2025:

Events Dates 2025
UGC NET notification March 2024
Release of Online Application March 2024
Last date to fill online form March/ April 2025
Correction window April/ May 2025
Availability of admit card 1st week of June 2025
UGC NET Exam 2nd week of June 2025
Answer key release 4th week of June 2025
Objection period 4th week of June 2025
Announcement of Result July 2025

Application form: UGC NET 2025

The most recent announcement regarding the June online registration for the UGC NET examination has been made available to those who wish to serve in colleges, Universities, or other institutions via UGCNET. ntaonline.in UGC NET JRF, according to the National Testing Agency, NTA. To maintain the community’s safety and security, this process push seeks to fill the roles of male and female UFC NET seats. This initiative, which offers a sizable number of seats, makes it possible for many people to pursue a distinguished career in law enforcement. The UGC NET notification was announced very soon. The registration link for the UGC NET online application form 2025 is provided below:

Application fee

Fee payable for UGC-NET ( pay fee using the payment gateways integrated to the online application through net banking Debit card/ Credit Card/ UPI)
General / Unreserved Rs. 1150/-
Gen- EWS/ OBC-NCL Rs. 600/-
Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Schedules Tribe (ST)/ Person with Disability (PwD) Rs. 325/-
Third Gender

How to apply UGC NET 2025?

UGC NET accepts only online applications. Candidates can follow the below mentioned steps to apply:

Step 1: Use your personal email address and mobile number for the registration. Before starting the online application form-filling procedure, carefully read the information bulletin, prepare the necessary documents, and adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. A university Certificate consists of the candidate's name, mother's, father's, and date of birth.
  2. Bank passbook with a photograph, passport number
  3. aadhar number
  4. voter ID
  5. Any other government ID
  6. Qualification degree.
  7. Permanent address with pin code
  8. Candidates' Email address and mobile number
  9. Category certificate
  10. Economically weaker section (EWS) certificate
  11. Person with Disability (PWD) certificate
  12. Scanned photo in JPG or JPEG format

Step-2: fill out the online Application form and note down the system-generated application number.


pay the application fee using net banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card/ UPI and keep the receipt of the fee paid. Download, save, and tkae a printout of the confirmation page of the application for future reference. Note:

  1. The confirmation page of the application form will generated only after the candidate has made a successful payment.
  2. Candidates shall ensure that the information they entered in their online application forms is correct.
  3. Information provided by the candidate in their respective online application forms, like name of the candidate, contact/ address details, category, PwD status, educational qualification details, date of birth, and choice of exam cities
  4. Candidates must ensure their email address and mobile number registered in their online application form are their own. NTA will send relevant/essential information/ communication through email to the registered email address and/ or SMS on the registered mobile number only.

Candidates are advised to bring only the following with them to the examination venue:

  1. Admit card along with self Declaration ( undertaking) download from the NTA website (a clear printable on A4 size paper)
  2. A simple, transparent ballpoint pen
  3. Additional photographs are to be pasted on the Attendance sheet.
  4. Personal hand sanitizer
  5. Personal, transparent water bottle
  6. ID proof

UGC NET 2025 Eligibility

Qualifying examination

  1. General/ Unreserved/ General- EWS candidates required to secured at least 55% marks in Master’s Degree or relevant examination from a University/Institution recognized by UGC
  2. Available on the official website www.ugc.ac.in in Humanities and social sciences (including language), computer science and applications, electronic science, etc., are eligible for this test.
  3. The Other Backward Classes (OBC) belonging to Non-Creamy Layer/Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Schedules Tribe (ST)/ Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Third gender category candidates should secured the aggregate marks of 50% marks in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible for the test.
  4. Candidates pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course, appearing candidates for their qualifying Master’s degree (Final year) examination and result is still awaited, or candidates whose qualifying examination has been delayed can also apply for this test.
  5. It is not more than 30 years as on the 1st day of the month in which the examination is done.
  6. JRF:- A relaxation of up to 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to OBC-NCL/SC/ST/PwD/Third gender categories and women applicants.
  7. UGC-NET: There is no upper age limit for applying for UGC-NET as an assistant professor.


The reservation policy of the Government of India applies to UGC-NET. According to this, in the Central Universities and Institutions which are deemed to be Universities, the reservation of seats shall be as follows:

  1. 15% of the seats are for Schedule caste (SC) candidates.
  2. 7.5% of seats Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates.
  3. As per the Central List, 27% of the seats are for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates.
  4. 10% of the seats for General-Economically Weaker Section (General-EWS) candidates.
  5. 05% of the seats in the above categories are for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) with 40% or more disability.

UGC NET 2025 Syllabus

S.No Subject
1 Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy/ Non-Formal Education
2 Anthropology
3 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies
4 Arabic
5 Archaeology
6 Assamese
7 Bengali
8 Bodo
9 Buddhist, Jain, Gandhian and Peace Studies
10 Chinese
11 Commerce
12 Comparative Literature
13 Comparative Study of Religions
14 Computer Science and Applications
15 Criminology
16 Defence and Strategic Studies
17 Dogri
18 Economics / Rural Economics /Cooperation / Demography / Development Planning/Development Studies / Econometrics/ Applied Economics / Development Economics / Business Economics
19 Education
20 Electronic Science
21 English
22 Environmental Sciences
23 Folk Literature
24 Forensic Science
25 French (French Version)
26 Geography
27 German
28 Gujarati
29 Hindi
30 Hindu Studies
31 History
32 Home Science
33 Human Rights and Duties
34 Indian Culture
35 Indian Knowledge system
36 Japanese
37 Kannada
38 Kashmiri
39 Konkani
40 Labour Welfare/ Personal Management/ Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social welfare/ Human resource Management
41 Law
42 library and information science
43 Linguistics
44 Maithili
45 Malayalam
46 Management (including business Administration. Mgt./ Marketing/ Marketing Mgt. / Industrial Relations and personnel Mgt./ Personnel Mgt./ Financial Mgt./ Co-operative Management
47 Manipuri
48 Marathi
49 Mass Communication and Journalism
50 Museology & Conversion
51 Music
52 Nepali
53 Oriya
54 Pali
55 Performing Art- Dance/ Drama/ Theatre
56 Persian
57 Philosophy
58 Physical Education
59 Political Science
60 Politics including international relations/ international studies including Defence/ strategic studies, west Asian studies, southeast Asian studies, African studies, south Asian studies, soviet studies, American studies.
61 Population studies
62 Prakrit
63 psychology
64 Public administration
65 Punjabi
66 Rajasthani
67 Russian
68 Sanskrit
69 Sanskrit traditional subjects (including Jyotisha/Sidhanta Jyotish/ Navya Vyakarna/ Vyakarna/ Mimansa/ Navya Nyaya/ Sankhya Yoga/ Tulanatmaka Darsan/ Shukla Yajurveda/ Madhav Vedant/ Dharmasasta/ Sahitya/ Puranotihasa /Agama).
70 Santali
71 Sindhi
72 Social medicine & community health
73 Social work
74 Sociology
75 Spanish
76 Tamil
77 Telugu
78 Tourism administration and management
79 Tribal and regional language/ literature
80 Urdu
81 Visual Art ( including drawing & painting/ sculpture graphics/ applied art/ history of art)
82 Women studies
83 Yoga

UGC NET 2025 Exam pattern

The UGC NET will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode in multi shifts as per the time schedule specified in the Information at a glance.

Mode of Examination

The Examination shall be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only.

Pattern of Examination

The UGC NET test will consist of two papers. Both papers is consist of objective-type, multiple-choice questions. There will be no break between papers.

Paper Marks No. of Questions MCQ Total Duration
I 100 50 The question in paper I Intends to assess the teaching/ research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, reading comprehension, pergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. 03 hours (180 minutes) without any break. All the questions are compulsory.
II 200 100 This is based on the subject selected by the candidate and will assess domain knowledge
Medium of Question Paper
  1. The medium of Question Paper shall be in English & Hindi only except language papers.
Marking Scheme
  1. Each question carries 02 (two) marks.
  2. For each correct response, the candidate will get 02 (two) marks.
  3. There is no negative marking for incorrect response

Admit Card: UGC NET 2025

  1. The Admit Card woold be issued provisionally to the candidates of UGC NET 2025, subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria.
  2. The candidate has to download the admit card from the NTA website and appear for the examination at the given centre on date, shift, time and discipline indicated in his/her admit card.

How to download Admit Card?

  1. Go to the NET official website.
  2. Enter their login information, which consists of their date of birth, application number, and password.
  3. Select the link to get the admit card for the NET.
  4. Type in the necessary information, including your date of birth, application number, and password.
  5. The admission card will show up on the screen when it has been confirmed.
  6. The admission card can then be downloaded and printed by candidates for their records.

Also read this:

Also read this CSIR NET 2025

Result: UGC NET 2025

The National Test Agency (NTA) will release the UGC NET result on the official website. Candidates can check the UGC NET exam results by logging in and downloading the NET scorecard. The qualifying candidates will be able to participate in the further round of admission.

Below the steps to check the result:
  1. Visit the NTA website, resolts.manipal.edu
  2. Click on the link to UGC NET scorecard
  3. Enter the UGC ET application number
  4. Now click on the submit button
  5. UGC NET results shall appear on the screen. Download the same for future reference.

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