Updated on Feb 21, 2025
UGC will soon declare the UGC NET 2025 Syllabus on the official website for the June and December Cycle. Last year, the authority included ‘Ayurveda Biology’ in their syllabus. The syllabus is divided into two sections i.e. i) UGC NET Paper 1 Syllabus and ii) UGC NET Paper 2 Syllabus. The paper syllabus is different across subjects. Paper 1 is general paper and Paper 2 is subject-specific. UGC NET Paper 1 syllabus covers topics from Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Comprehension, Communication, Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude etc. UGC NET Paper 2 syllabus contains comprehensive material related to the candidate's selected field of study. This guarantees that applicants are carefully evaluated on their skills in their particular academic field and teaching and research abilities. UGC provides each subject's curriculum so applicants can thoroughly and carefully study for the test.
UGC NET Exam Pattern 2025
Candidates who want to appear for the UGC NET 2024 exam must know the exam pattern. The exam pattern will help the candidates to understand the UGC NET exam. The candidates can more effectively prepare for the UGC NET exam after knowing the UGC NET 2024 exam pattern. The exam pattern for the UGC NET exam has been given below:
Paper | Number of Question | Time Duration |
Paper 1 | 50 | 3 Hours |
Paper 2 | 100 | |
Total | 150 | 3 Hours |
UGC NET 2025 Paper I Syllabus
UGC NET 2025 Paper I Syllabus PDF will be declared on the UGC website shortly. In the mean time, candidates can refer to the table below for detailed syllabus:
Unit No. | Units | Topics |
1 | Teaching Aptitude | Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of Teaching, Characteristics, and Basic Requirements. Learner’s Characteristics: Characteristics of Adolescent and Adult Learners, Individual Differences. |
2 | Research Aptitude | Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Positivism and Post-positivist approach to research. Methods of Research, Research Ethics, Paper, Article, Workshop, Seminar, Conference, Symposium, Thesis writing: its characteristics and format. |
3 | Comprehension | A passage to be set with questions to be answered. |
4 | Communication | Communication: Nature, Characteristics, Types, Barriers, and Effective Classroom Communication. |
5 | Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude | Types of Reasoning, Number Series, Letter Series, Codes, and Relationships. Mathematical Aptitude (Fraction, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion and Percentage, Profit and Loss, Interest and Discounting, Averages, etc.). |
6 | Logical Reasoning | Understanding the structure of arguments, Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning, Verbal analogies: Word analogy — Applied analogy, Verbal classification. |
7 | Data Interpretation | Sources, Acquisition and Interpretation of Data, Quantitative and Qualitative Data, Graphical representation, and Data Mapping. |
8 | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | ICT: General abbreviations and terminology, Basics of Internet, Intranet, E-mail, Audio and Video-conferencing. Digital initiatives in higher education. ICT and Governance. |
9 | People, Development and Environment | Development and environment: Millennium development and Sustainable development goals. Human and environment interaction: Anthropogenic activities and their impacts on the environment. Environmental issues: Local, Regional and Global; Air pollution; Water pollution; Soil pollution; Noise pollution; Waste (solid, liquid, biomedical, hazardous, electronic); Climate change and its Socio-Economic and Political dimensions. |
10 | Higher Education System | Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India. Evolution of higher learning and research in post-independence India. Oriental, Conventional and Non-conventional learning programs in India. Professional, Technical and Skill-Based education. Value education and environmental education—policies, Governance, and Administration. |
UGC NET 2025 Syllabus: Paper 2 Syllabus Download PDF
UGC NET Paper 2 is subject-specific and focuses on the subject chosen by the candidate during post-graduation. UGC NET Paper 2 will be held for 105 subjects. It consists of 100 questions, each carrying 2 marks, with a total of 200 marks.
Subject Code | Subject | Syllabus (English) |
00 | General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude (Paper-I) | Download |
01 | Economics / Rural Economics / Co-operation / Demography / Development Planning / Development Studies / Econometrics / Applied Economics / Development Eco. / Business Economics | Download |
02 | Political Science | Download |
03 | Philosophy | Download |
04 | Psychology | Download |
05 | Sociology | Download |
06 | History | Download |
07 | Anthropology | Download |
08 | Commerce | Download |
09 | Education | Download |
10 | Social Work | Download |
11 | Defence and Strategic Studies | Download |
12 | Home Science | Download |
14 | Public Administration | Download |
15 | Population Studies | Download |
16 | Music | Download |
17 | Management (including Business Adm., Mgt./Marketing/Marketing Mgt./Industrial Relations, etc.) | Download |
18 | Maithili | Download |
19 | Bengali | Download |
20 | Hindi | Download |
21 | Kannada | Download |
22 | Malayalam | Download |
23 | Oriya | Download |
24 | Punjabi | Download |
25 | Sanskrit | Download |
26 | Tamil | Download |
27 | Telugu | Download |
28 | Urdu | Download |
29 | Arabic | Download |
30 | English | Download |
31 | Linguistics | Download |
32 | Chinese | Download |
33 | Dogri | Download |
34 | Nepali | Download |
35 | Manipuri | Download |
36 | Assamese | Download |
37 | Gujarati | Download |
38 | Marathi | Download |
39 | French (French Version) | Download |
40 | Spanish | Download |
41 | Russian | Download |
42 | Persian | Download |
43 | Rajasthani | Download |
44 | German | Download |
45 | Japanese | Download |
46 | Adult/Continuing Education / Non-Formal Education | Download |
47 | Physical Education | Download |
49 | Arab Culture and Islamic Studies | Download |
50 | Indian Culture | Download |
55 | Labour Welfare / Human Resource Management | Download |
58 | Law | Download |
59 | Library and Information Science | Download |
60 | Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian, and Peace Studies | Download |
62 | Comparative Study of Religions | Download |
63 | Mass Communication and Journalism | Download |
65 | Performing Art - Dance/Drama/Theatre | Download |
66 | Museology & Conservation | Download |
67 | Archaeology | Download |
70 | Tribal and Regional Language/Literature | Download |
71 | Folk Literature | Download |
72 | Comparative Literature | Download |
73 | Sanskrit Traditional Subjects | Download |
74 | Women Studies | Download |
79 | Visual Art | Download |
80 | Geography | Download |
81 | Social Medicine & Community Health | Download |
82 | Forensic Science | Download |
83 | Pali | Download |
84 | Kashmiri | Download |
85 | Konkani | Download |
87 | Computer Science and Applications | Download |
88 | Electronic Science | Download |
89 | Environmental Sciences | Download |
90 | Politics including International Relations / Strategic Studies | Download |
91 | Prakrit | Download |
92 | Human Rights and Duties | Download |
93 | Tourism Administration and Management | Download |
94 | Bodo | Download |
95 | Santali | Download |
100 | Yoga | Download |
101 | Sindhi | Download |
102 | Hindu Studies | Download |
103 | Indian Knowledge System | Download |
104 | Disaster Management | Download |
105 | Ayurveda Biology | Download |
UGC NET 2025 Paper 2 Syllabus: Subject-Wise Detailed Breakdown
For UGC NET 2025 Paper 2 Syllabus candidates can refer to the table below:
UGC NET EVS Syllabus
Unit | Topic |
Unit-I | Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences |
Unit-II | Environmental Chemistry |
Unit-III | Environmental Biology |
Unit-IV | Environmental Geosciences |
Unit-V | Energy and Environment |
Unit-VI | Environmental Pollution and Control |
Unit-VII | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management |
Unit-VIII | Environmental Assessment, Management, and Legislation |
Unit-IX | Statistical Approaches and Modelling in Environmental Sciences |
Unit-X | Contemporary Environmental Issues |
UGC NET Geography Syllabus
Unit | Topic |
Unit 1 | Geomorphology: Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, Endogenetic & Exogenetic Forces, Denudation & Weathering, Geomorphic Cycle, Slope Development, Earth Movements (seismicity, folding, faulting, vulcanicity), Geomorphic Hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, avalanches). |
Unit 2 | Climatology: Atmosphere Composition & Structure, Insolation, Earth's Heat Budget, Temperature, Pressure, Winds, Atmospheric Circulation, Climatic Classifications (Koppen & Thornthwaite), ENSO Events, Meteorological Hazards, Climate Change. |
Unit 3 | Oceanography: Ocean Relief, Temperature, Density, Salinity, Ocean Circulation (currents, waves, tides), Sea Level Changes, Hazards (tsunamis, cyclones). |
Unit 4 | Geography of Environment: Ecosystem Components, Trophic Levels, Energy Flows, Cycles, Food Chain, Environmental Hazards, Policies & Treaties (Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement). |
Unit 5 | Population & Settlement Geography: Population Data Sources, Population Distribution, Demographic Transition, Migration, Urbanization, Central Place Theories, Urban Poverty, Slums, Urban Social Analysis. |
Unit 6 | Economic Activities & Regional Development: Economic Activity Organization, Agricultural Geography, Industrial Location Theories, Geography of Transport, Regional Development Theories, Global Trade Patterns. |
Unit 7 | Cultural, Social & Political Geography: Cultural Ecology, Social Well-being, Diseases Ecology, Political Geography, Geopolitics, Regional Cooperation Organizations. |
Unit 8 | Geographic Thought: Contributions of Geographers, Geographic Traditions, Contemporary Trends in Indian Geography, Paradigm Shifts. |
Unit 9 | Geographical Techniques: Geographic Data, GIS Applications, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Statistical Techniques (Correlation, Regression, Sampling, Hypothesis Testing). |
Unit 10 | Geography of India: Physiographic Regions, Drainage System, Monsoon, Soil, Vegetation, Agriculture, Industrial Development, Trade, Natural Disasters in India. |
UGC NET Syllabus For Commerce
S. No | Section | Details |
1 | Business Environment and International Business | - Concepts and elements of the business environment - Scope and importance of international business - Theories of international trade - Foreign direct investment (FDI) and Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) - Balance of payments (BOP) - Regional Economic Integration - International Economic Institutions - World Trade Organisation (WTO) |
2 | Accounting and Auditing | - Basic accounting principles - Partnership Accounts - Corporate Accounting: Issue, forfeiture, and reissue of shares - Holding company accounts - Cost and Management Accounting - Financial Statements Analysis - Human Resources Accounting - Indian Accounting Standards and IFRS - Auditing - Recent Trends in Auditing |
3 | Business Economics | - Meaning and scope of business economics - Objectives of business firms - Demand analysis - Consumer behavior - Law of Variable Proportions - Theory of cost - Price determination under different market forms - Pricing strategies |
4 | Business Finance | - Scope and sources of finance - Cost of capital and time value of money - Capital structure - Capital budgeting decisions - Working capital management - Risk and return analysis - International monetary system - Foreign exchange market - International financial markets and instruments - International arbitrage |
5 | Business Statistics and Research Methods | - Measures of central tendency - Measures of dispersion - Measures of skewness - Correlation and regression of two variables - Probability - Probability distributions - Research - Data - Sampling and estimation - Hypothesis testing - Report writing |
6 | Business Management and Human Resource Management | - Principles and functions of management - Organization structure - Responsibility and authority - Motivation and leadership - Corporate governance and business ethics - Human resource management - Compensation management - Performance appraisal including 360-degree performance appraisal - Collective bargaining and workers’ participation in management - Personality - Organizational Culture |
7 | Banking and Financial Institutions | - Overview of the Indian financial system - Types of banks - Reserve Bank of India - Banking sector reforms in India - Financial markets - Financial Institution - Financial Regulators in India - Financial sector reforms including financial inclusion - Digitisation of banking and other financial services - Insurance |
8 | Marketing Management | - Marketing - Product decisions - Pricing decisions - Promotion decisions - Distribution decisions - Consumer Behaviour - Service marketing - Trends in marketing - Logistics management |
9 | Legal Aspects of Business | - Indian Contract Act, 1872 - Special contracts - Sale of Goods Act, 1930 - Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 - The Companies Act, 2013 - Limited Liability Partnership - The Competition Act, 2002 - The Information Technology Act, 2000 - The RTI Act, 2005 - Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) - Goods and Services Tax (GST) |
10 | Income-tax and Corporate Tax Planning | - Income-tax - International Taxation - Corporate Tax Planning - Deduction and collection of tax at the source |
UGC NET Anthropology Syllabus:
Unit | Topics |
1. Fundamentals of Anthropology | - History, development, aim and scope of Anthropology, Relationship with other sciences, Branches of Anthropology (including Linguistic Anthropology) and their interrelationship, Research methodology and methods: Epistemology, ontology, theoretical perspectives, Types of research (qualitative and quantitative), research design, hypothesis, Fieldwork and fieldwork tradition: Ethnography, Observation, Interview, Case Study, Life History, Focus group, PRA, RRA, Genealogical Method, Schedules and Questionnaires, Grounded Theory, Exploration and Excavation, GIS Statistics: Variables, sampling, measures of central tendency and dispersion, parametric and nonparametric bivariate and multivariate statistical tests, Techniques of Analysis: Content analysis, Discourse analysis and Narratives |
2. Evolution | - Lamarckism, Neo-Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Synthetic theory, neutral theory of molecular evolution, cladogenesis, anagenesis, punctuated equilibrium, selection, Primate radiation: Classification, distribution of extinct and extant species, Characteristics of primates: Morphological, skeletal, physical, locomotion, posture, social behavior , Extant Primates: Distribution, characteristics, classification (Prosimii, Anthropoidea), Fossils of extinct Primates: Oligocene-Miocene fossils (Parapithecus, Gigantopithecus, Aegyptopithecus, Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus), Pre-hominid groups: Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis, Ardipithecus ramidus, Early Hominids: Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus ramidus, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus (Paranthropous) boisei, Australopithecus (Paranthropous) robustus, Australopithecus bahrelghazali , Early Transitional Human: Homo habilis, Hominid Evolution: Characteristics and distribution of Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Archaic sapiens: Homo heidelbergensis, Rhodesian Man, Neandertal man: Distribution, salient features, phylogenetic position, Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens: Characteristics and distribution in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Dispersal of modern humans: Out of Africa hypothesis, Multiregional hypothesis, Partial Replacement hypothesis |
3. Modern Human Variation | - Typological Model, Populational Model, Clinal Model, Classification proposed by Blumenbach, Deniker, Hooton, Coon, Garn, Birdsell, Ethnic Classification and distribution of Indian Populations: H.H. Risley, B. S. Guha, S. S.Sarkar, Linguistic distribution of ethnic groups, Methods of studying Human Genetics: Cytogenetics, Mendelian Genetics, Twin Genetics, Sib Pair methods, Population Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Cytogenetics: cell cycle, karyotyping, chromosomal abnormalities, fluorescent in situ hybridization, Lyon’s hypothesis , Linkage and chromosome mapping, genetic imprinting Modes of inheritance: Autosomal, sex-linked, sex influenced, sex limited, modifying genes, suppressor genes, selfish gene, multiple allelic inheritance, multifactorial inheritance, Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, mating patterns, inbreeding coefficient, genetic load, genetic isolate, genetic drift, genetic distance, genetic polymorphism, Molecular genetics: DNA, RNA, genetic code, protein structure and synthesis, RFLPs, VNTRs, STRs, SNPs, Mitochondrial DNA |
4. Human Growth, Development and Maturation | - Definition, concepts. Basic principles of growth, phases of growth, Growth curves: Velocity, Distance, Acceleration, Scammon’s Growth curve. Catch up and Catch down growth, Aging and senescence, Factors affecting growth: Genetic and Environmental. Secular trends in growth, Methods of studying human growth: Longitudinal, Cross-sectional, Mixed longitudinal, Linked longitudinal, Body composition, Human Adaptation: Allen’s and Bergmann’s rule, Human Adaptability Programme, Somatotyping: Concept, Development (Kretschmer, Sheldon, Parnoll, Health-Carter) and its application, Demography: Multidisciplinary nature of demography and its relation with other disciplines. Fertility, Morbidity and mortality, Migration, Selection intensity |
5. Concept of Prehistoric Archaeology | - Ethno-archaeology, experimental archaeology, environmental archaeology, settlement archaeology, cognitive archaeology, geo-archaeology, action archaeology, Theoretical paradigms Dating: Typology, seriation, geo-archaeological, obsidian hydration, chemical dating, oxygen isotope, fluorine estimation, dendrochronology, radio-carbon, fission track, thermo-luminescence, potassium-argon, varve clay, cross-dating, amino acid racemization, palaeomagnetic, Paleoenvironment: Major geological stages, climatic changes, glacial and interglacial periods, Lithic tool typology and technology: Lower Palaeolithic, Middle Palaeolithic, Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Overview of Lithic Cultures of Europe: Lower Palaeolithic (Acheulian), Middle Palaeolithic (Mousterian), Upper Palaeolithic (Perigordian, Chatelperronian, Gravettian, Aurignacian, Solutrian, Magdalenian), Mesolithic (Azilian, Tardenoisean, Maglamosean, Kitchen Midden, Natufian), Early Farming Cultures and Neolithic of the Near East: Jericho, Jarmo, Çatal Huyuk, Shanidar |
6. Lower Palaeolithic Period in India | - Pebble tool culture: Soan Acheulian culture, Middle Palaeolithic period in India: Belan valley, Bhimbetka, Nevasa, Narmada valley, Upper Palaeolithic period in India: Renigunta, Billa Surgam, Patne, Bhimbetka, Son and Belan Valleys, Visadi, Pushkar, Gunjan Valley, Mesolithic period in India: Mesolithic economy and society, microlithic technology, composite tools, bows and arrows. Sites: Bagor, Tilwara, Langhnaj, Adamgarh, Bagor, Chopani Mando, Bhimbetka, Sarai Nahar Rai, Birbhanpur, Neolithic Period in India: Economic and social consequences of food production, Settlements, population growth, craft specializations, class formation, political institutions. Sites: Burzahom, Gufkral, Ahar, Gilund, Nagada, Kayatha, Navdatoli, Eran, Nevasa, Chandoli, Daimabad, Inamgaon, Prakash, Maski, Brahmagiri, Sangankallu, Tekkalkota, Piklihal, Nagarjunakonda, Daojali Hading, Kuchai, Sarutadu, Prehistoric Cave art from India: Bhimbetka, Adamgarh, Indus Civilization: Expansion of village sites, Development of metal technology, art and writing, Architecture and city planning, Stages and theories of decline. Sites: Amri, Kot Diji, Kalibangan, Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Lothal, Dholavira, Rakhigarhi, Pottery and Traditions: Ochre Coloured Pottery (OCP), Black and Red ware, Painted Grey Ware (PGW), Northern Black Polished Ware (NBP), Bronze/Copper Age: General characteristics, distribution, people, Iron Age and Urban Revolution: General characteristics, distribution, people, Megaliths: concept and types (menhir, dolmen, topical, cist, cairn circle, sarcophagi) |
7. Conceptual Understanding of Social Anthropology | - Culture: Attributes, Holism, Universals, Acculturation, Enculturation, Transculturation, Culture Change, Culture Shock, Cultural Relativism, Civilization, Folk-Urban Continuum, Great and Little Tradition, Cultural Pluralism and World-View, Society: Groups, Institutions, Associations, Community, Status and Role. Incest. Endogamy and Exogamy. Rites of passage, Social Institutions: Family (definitions, types, functions, rules of residence), Marriage (definition, universality, types, functions, marital transactions), Kinship (definition, Descent, kinship terminology, matrilineal puzzle, Joking and avoidance, Moiety, phratry, clan and lineage), Economic Anthropology: Definition and relationship with Anthropology and Economy, Theories (Malinowski, Formal, Substantive, Marxist), Livelihoods, Subsistence, Principles of production, distribution, consumption, division of labour, Exchange, reciprocity, gifts and barter systems, Legal Anthropology: Anthropology of Law, Social Sanctions , Political Organization: Definitions, political processes in band, tribe, chiefdom and state systems, Conflicts and social control, Nations and Nation-state, democracy, Religion and Belief Systems: Definitions, animism, animatism, mannerism, bongaism, totemism, taboo, Religious specialists, Magic – definitions, types, approaches, Rituals, Social Change: Basic ideas and concepts (Assimilation, Integration, |
UGC NET 2025 English Syllabus
Unit | Section |
Unit I | Drama |
Unit II | Poetry |
Unit III | Fiction and Short Story |
Unit IV | Non-Fiction Prose |
Unit V | Language: Basic Concepts, Theories, and Pedagogy, English in Use |
Unit VI | English in India: History, Evolution, and Future |
Unit VII | Cultural Studies |
Unit VIII | Literary Criticism |
Unit IX | Literary Theory post World War II |
Unit X | Research Methods and Materials in English |
UGC NET History Syllabus 2025
Topic Name | Important Units |
Unit 1: Negotiating the Sources | Archaeological Sources, Indus/Harappa Civilization, Expansion of State System, Vedic and Later Vedic Periods, Pastoralism and Food Production |
Unit 2: From State to Empire | Dissolution of Empire and Emergence of Regional Powers, Salankayanas and Visnukundins in Andhradesa, Harsha and his Times, Gupta Vakataka Age, From State to Empire |
Unit 3: The Emergence of Regional Kingdoms | Kingdoms in Deccan, South India, Eastern India, Western India, North India, Characteristics of Early Medieval India, Trade and Urbanization, Growth of Brahminical Religions, Debates of State Formation in Early Medieval India |
Unit 4: Source of Medieval Indian History | Rise of the Marathas & the Foundation of Swaraj by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Sources of Medieval Indian History, The Vijayanagara and the Bahmanis, Foundation of the Mughal Empire, Later Mughals and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire |
Unit 5: Administration & Economy | Administration & Economy, Sher Shah’s Administrative Reforms, Administrative System in the Deccan, Frontier Policies under Delhi Sultanate and Mughals, Inter-State Relations during the Sultanate and the Mughals |
Unit 6: Society and Culture | The Saints of the Medieval Period, The Sufis, The Sikh Movement, Bhakti Movement, Development of Education, Fine Arts |
Unit 7: Sources of Modern Indian History | Sources of Modern Indian History, Rise of British Power, Establishment and Expansion of British Dominion in India, British Relations with the Principal Indian States, Revolt of 1857 |
Unit 8: Colonial Economy | Colonial Economy, Expansion and Commercialization of Agriculture, British Industrial Policy, Modernization of Indian Languages and Literary Forms, Indian Society in Transition |
Unit 9: Rise of Indian Nationalism | Swadeshi and Swaraj, Birth of the Indian National Congress, B.R. Ambedkar, Gandhian Mass Movements, India after Independence |
Unit 10: Historical Method, Research, Methodology, and Historiography | Scope and Importance, Objectivity and Bias in History, Recent Trends in Indian History, Beginnings of Historical Writings – Greek, Roman, and Church, Renaissance and its Impact on History Writing, Post–Modernism in History |
Best UGC NET Books for Preparation
Go through the list of essential books recommended by toppers for preparation of UGC NET Paper 1 below.
UGC NET Paper 1 Book | Author |
Trueman's UGC NET/SET General Paper I | M Gagan and Sajit Kumar |
NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF Paper I: Teaching and Research Aptitude by Pearson | KVS Madaan |
General Paper-1 UGC NET/JRF/SLET – Teaching & Research Aptitude | Arihant Experts |
Upkar’s UGC-NET/JRF/SET Teaching And Research Aptitude (General Paper - I) | Dr Lal Jain and Dr KC Vashistha |
UGC NET 2025 Marking Scheme
The candidates will be awarded two marks for correct answers, and no marks will be deducted for incorrect answers as there is no negative marking scheme in the UGC NET exam. Candidates can know the making scheme in the table below:
Types of Answer | Marks |
Correct Answers | 2 |
Incorrect Answers | 0 |
Total Marks in UGC NET | 300 Marks |
UGC NET 2025 Syllabus FAQs
Who is eligible for UGC NET 2025?
Candidates should have completed their post-graduation from a UGC-recognised college/university. The minimum mark for the General Category is 55%, and for reserved categories, including SC/ST/OBC/PwD is 50% marks.
Is 6 months enough for UGC NET preparation?
The UGC examinations are one of the most prestigious exams in India, and it is essential to prepare for them with the right strategies and tips. Preparing for the UGC NET can be daunting for many, but with the right approach and strategy, it is possible to ace the exam with 6 months of preparation.
Will the NEET syllabus change in 2025?
There are no changes in the NEET UG 2025 syllabus compared to the previous year. The NEET 2025 exam is scheduled for May 4, 2025, and the application form will be released in February 2025.
Who is eligible for net 2025?
The criteria for eligibility of UGC NET 2025 include provisions based on age and educational qualification. Age limit: The maximum age limit for UGC NET under Junior Research Fellowship is 30 years. Whereas there will be no age limit for UGC NET attempts in case of Assistant Professors.
What is the pattern of net 2025?
The UGC NET Exam will be conducted online, specifically as a Computer-Based Test (CBT). The exam will comprise two papers: Paper I and Paper-II. There will be no break between Paper I and Paper II, ensuring a seamless testing experience. Both papers will feature objective-type, multiple-choice questions.
What is the future after clearing UGC NET?
On qualifying for Assistant Professor through National Eligibility Test, candidates can pursue a career in the teaching field. Based on the key skills candidates can teach and train the following people: Teach Undergraduates. Educate Professional Students.
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