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Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra - Jaipur Extension Center: Scholarships 2025 – Eligibility, Application & Amount





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Updated on Jan 09, 2025


BIT Jaipur provides a variety of scholarships to help students with their academic pursuits. These scholarships are intended to recognise academic achievement, provide financial assistance, and help students in a variety of situations. The scholarships are open to students in a variety of disciplines and seek to make quality education available to all.

BIT GP Birla Scholarship is based on merit.

The BIT GP Birla Scholarship is offered to those who excel academically. This fellowship is open to students pursuing a variety of disciplines, including B.Tech, M.Tech, and other undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. The scholarship is offered based on the student's achievement in qualifying examinations, and it is intended to recognise individuals who have consistently maintained good academic standards.

This merit-based scholarship enables students to focus on their studies without the financial burden. It is a significant recognition of the hard work and dedication shown by students throughout their academic journey.

BIT GP Birla Scholarship in B.Tech. and B.Arch. Based on AIR in JEE (Main).

BIT Jaipur gives a special scholarship to students pursuing B.Tech and B.Arch degrees depending on their All India Rank (AIR) in the JEE (Main). This award is intended to attract and support high-achieving students from around the country. Students with a high ranking in JEE (Main) are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

The award not only gives financial support, but also recognises the student's intellectual promise and achievement. It motivates pupils to strive for excellence in competitive tests and awards those who achieve admirably.

BIT-GP Birla Scholarship for M.Tech.

M.Tech students at BIT Jaipur are eligible for the BIT GP Birla Scholarship depending on their GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) percentile. This award is designed exclusively for students who have performed well in the GATE exam. The GATE percentile plays a critical role in deciding eligibility for this scholarship.

By providing this fellowship, BIT Jaipur hopes to assist postgraduate students who have demonstrated promise in their undergraduate studies and excelled in a national-level entrance exam. It alleviates the financial burden of pursuing higher education and allows students to concentrate on advanced research and study.

BIT GP Birla Scholarship for B.Tech., Immersive Summer Research Experience (ISRE)

The BIT GP Birla Scholarship for B.Tech, which is part of the Immersive Summer Research Experience (ISRE) program, is a novel scholarship that encourages undergraduate students to conduct research and innovate. This fellowship is awarded to B.Tech students who engage in the ISRE program, which allows them to work on cutting-edge research projects over the summer.

The award benefits students who are interested in research and wish to obtain hands-on experience in their field of study. It invites students to investigate new ideas, contribute to ongoing research, and practise their abilities in a real-world situation. This scholarship is essential for developing future innovators and researchers.

BIT GP Birla Assistantship based on merit and cumulative means

The BIT GP Birla Assistantship based on merit cum means a scholarship that takes into account both academic success and financial necessity. This assistantship is intended for students who have demonstrated academic achievement but may need financial aid to complete their studies. It is a balanced approach that rewards students' hard work while also addressing their financial needs.

This assistantship is especially advantageous to students from economically challenged families who have the capacity to thrive academically. It ensures that worthy students can continue their study without financial restraints.

BIT-GP Birla Assistantship on Compassionate Grounds

The BIT GP Birla Assistantship on compassionate grounds is a scholarship that assists students who have experienced substantial hardships or problems in their lives. This assistantship is given to students who have had personal or familial issues that have affected their financial status.

The assistantship gives much-needed comfort and support to students in these situations, allowing them to continue their study with less stress. It is a humane effort that recognises the tenacity and determination of students experiencing difficulties.

BIT-GP Birla Assistantship for Staff Wards

The BIT GP Birla Assistantship for Staff Wards is a scholarship available to the offspring of BIT Jaipur staff members. This assistantship recognises the staff's services to the institution and supports their children's pursuit of higher education.

This scholarship guarantees that the children of staff members have access to a quality education at BIT Jaipur, allowing them to accomplish their academic aspirations. It is a gesture of kindness and appreciation to the personnel and their families, underlining the institute's commitment to the community.

Scholarship Name Eligibility Criteria Applicable Programs
BIT GP Birla Scholarship Based on Merit Outstanding academic performance in qualifying examinations B.Tech, M.Tech, UG, PG programs
BIT GP Birla Scholarship for B.Tech./B.Arch. High rank in JEE (Main) B.Tech, B.Arch
BIT GP Birla Scholarship for M.Tech. High GATE percentile M.Tech
BIT GP Birla Scholarship under ISRE Participation in the Immersive Summer Research Experience (ISRE) B.Tech
BIT GP Birla Assistantship Based on Merit Cum Means Academic excellence and financial need All programs
BIT GP Birla Assistantship on Compassionate Grounds Financial hardship due to personal or family challenges All programs
BIT GP Birla Assistantship for Staff Wards Children of BIT Jaipur staff members All programs

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