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D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai: Ranking

Navi Mumbai


Private Institute


About D.Y Patil University Online Ranking

D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai, is India’s one of the well-known and top online institutes. Also, it is known for its innovation and research. For many years, the Institute has been ranked by well-known agencies named NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework]. In 2022, the institute was ranked 81st position out of all participating colleges under the University Category by the NIRF Ranking. Also, the institute has achieved 72nd rank under the University Category by The NIRF Ranking 2021. DY Patil University is also the institute that was ranked at 77th position out of all participating colleges under the University Category followed by 88th in 2019 by The NIRF Rankings. The Ranking Agencies decide the ranking based on some parameters such as research, infrastructure, etc.

D.Y University Navi Mumbai 2020 Ranking Highlights

Ranking Body Rank
NIRF Ranking 2022(University) #81 out of all colleges in India
NIRF Ranking 2021(University) #72 out of all colleges in India
NIRF Ranking 2020(University) #77 in India
NIRF Ranking 2019(University) #88 out of all colleges

D.Y Patil University Online NIRF Ranking 2022

According to NIRF Rankings, D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online stood 81st in the University Category based on some parameters such as Graduation Outcomes, Teaching Learning and Resources, Perception, Research, and Perception. The parameters and scores for the University Category are as follows.

S.NO Parameters Score(out of 100)
1 Graduation Outcomes 64.27
2 Teaching Learning and Resources 67.35
3 Research and Professional Practice 3.09
4 Outreach and Inclusivity 62.1
5 Perception 24.9

D.Y Patil University Online NIRF Ranking 2021

According to NIRF Rankings, D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online stood 72nd in the University Category based on some parameters such as Graduation Outcomes, Teaching Learning and Resources, Perception, Research, and Perception. The parameters and scores for the University Category are as follows.


S.NO Parameters Score(out of 100)
1 Graduation Outcomes 64.27
2 Teaching Learning and Resources 67.35
3 Research and Professional Practice 3.09
4 Outreach and Inclusivity 62.1
5 Perception 24.9

D.Y Patil University Online NIRF Ranking 2020

According to the NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Rankings 2020, D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai stood at 77th in the University Category in India. The NIRF Ranking of the university is as follows.

Ranking Agency Category Rank
NIRF University #77 in India

DY Patil University Online NIRF Ranking 2019

According to the NIRF Rankings 2019, DY Patil University Online Navi Mumbai stood at 88th in the University Category in India. The NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking of the university is as follows.

Ranking Agency Category Rank
NIRF University #88 in India

Top Ranking Agencies Sections

The University has achieved a ranking from the top-ranking agency named NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework]. The Ranking of the university by the top-ranking agencies is shown below.

S.NO Year Ranking Body Category Rank
1 2022 NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking University #81
2 2021 NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking University #72
3 2020 NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking University #77
4 2019 NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking University #88


What is the Ranking of D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai in 2022 under University Category?

DY Patil University Online has secured a rank of 81st under the University Category in 2022 by NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework].

What is the NIRF Ranking of D.Y Patil University Online in 2021?

The NIRF[National Institutional Ranking Framework] Ranking of D.YUniversity Online in 2021 under the University category is 72.

Has D.Y Patil University Online achieved a better ranking than Other Colleges?

D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth is known as one of the top online institutions in India, and it has a better ranking than some institutions.

What is the NIRF Ranking of D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth in 2020?

D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai has secured a rank of 77th in India under the University Category in 2020 by The NIRF Rankings.

What is the NIRF Ranking of D.Y Patil University Online in 2019?

D.Y. Patil Deemed-to-be-University Online, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth has secured a rank of 88th in India under the University Category in 2019 by The NIRF Ranking.

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