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Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering Syllabus

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Updated on Feb 08, 2025

Gaurav Chaurasia

GATE Syllabus 2025: The GATE Syllabus 2025 is divided into three key sections i) General Aptitude, ii) Engineering Mathematics, and iii) Core Engineering Subjects. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee officially released the GATE 2025 Syllabus on July 1, 2024, via its official website gate.iitr.ac.in. This syllabus outlines essential topics and subject areas from which questions will be framed in the upcoming exam. The official GATE Syllabus 2025 PDF is available on the IIT Roorkee portal at gate2025.iitr.ac.in.

IIT Roorkee has started the GATE 2025 Exam on February 1, 2025. The exam will conclude on February 16, 2025. Through the GATE Exam candidates can get into postgraduate and doctoral programs at prestigious institutions. Additionally, GATE scores serve as a key criterion for PSU recruitments, offering opportunities for roles such as Engineer Trainees, Management Trainees, and other specialized positions.

GATE 2025 Syllabus: Highlight

The GATE 2025 Syllabus is different across subjects. It covers 3 sections for each subject. A brief discussion on the overall syllabus will be presented below in tabular format:

Exam Name GATE 2025 Exam
GATE Full Form Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Conducting Authority Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
GATE 2025 Syllabus Release July 1, 2024 (Out)
GATE 2025 Syllabus Official Website gate2025.iitr.ac.in
Sections in GATE Syllabus 2025 General Aptitude  Engineering Mathematics  Core Engineering Disciplines
Total No. of Papers 30

GATE Syllabus 2025: Sectional Weightage

General Aptitude in the GATE 2025 Syllabus is common to all papers. It carries 15 marks for all the disciplines. Engineering Mathematics applies to most engineering streams except a few like Chemistry (CY), Physics (PH), and Mathematics (MA). The Core Discipline section holds the highest weightage, varying from 70 to 85 marks.

Stream General Aptitude Engineering Mathematics Core Discipline Marks
Physics (PH) 15 marks - 85 marks
Metallurgical Engineering (MT) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH) 15 marks - Reasoning & Comprehension: 25 marks Core Discipline: 60 marks
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NM) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DA) 15 marks - 85 marks
Geomatics Engineering (GE) 15 marks - Part A: 55 marks Part B (Section I or II): 30 marks
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Mining Engineering (MN) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Mechanical Engineering (ME) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Environmental Science and Engineering (ES) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Computer Science and Information Technology (CS) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Mathematics (MA) 15 marks - 85 marks
Electrical Engineering (EE) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Biotechnology (BT) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Chemical Engineering (CH) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Geology and Geophysics (GG) 15 marks - Part A: 25 marks Part B (Geology or Geophysics): 60 marks
Instrumentation Engineering (IN) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Architecture and Planning (AR) - 15 marks Part A: 60 marks Part B (B1 or B2): 25 marks
Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Petroleum Engineering (PE) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Aerospace Engineering (AE) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Agricultural Engineering (AG) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Civil Engineering (CE) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Biomedical Engineering (BM) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC) 15 marks 13 marks 72 marks
Life Sciences (XL) 15 marks - Chemistry: 25 marks Core Discipline: 60 marks
Ecology and Evolution (EY) 15 marks - 85 marks
Statistics (ST) 15 marks - 85 marks
Chemistry (CY) 15 marks - 85 marks
Engineering Sciences (XE) 15 marks 15 marks 70 marks

GATE Syllabus 2025: Subject-Wise Detailed Break-Down

The GATE 2025 syllabus varies across all 30 subjects, covering well-established disciplines such as Mechanical Engineering (ME), Civil Engineering (CE), and Computer Science (CS), as well as emerging fields like Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc. A detailed breakdown of of GATE 2025 Syllabus will be provided below:

GATE ME Syllabus 2025

GATE ME Syllabus 2025 is described below in detail. ME Syllabus covers important topics from Applied Mechanics and Design, Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Sciences and Materials, Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering. This section covers the the details aspect of GATE ME Syllabus.

Topics Sub-Topics
Applied Mechanics and Design
Engineering Mechanics Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; friction and its applications including rolling friction, belt-pulley, brakes, clutches, screw jack, wedge, vehicles, etc.; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations; Lagrange’s equation
Mechanics of Materials Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; concept of shear center; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal stresses; strain gauges and rosettes; testing of materials with a universal testing machine; testing of hardness and impact strength
Theory of Machines Displacement, velocity, and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of linkages; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses; gyroscope
Vibrations Free and forced vibration of single-degree-of-freedom systems, the effect of damping; vibration isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts
Machine Design Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the SN diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted, and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes, and clutches, springs
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Fluid Mechanics Fluid properties; fluid statics, forces on submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies; control-volume analysis of mass, momentum, and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis; viscous flow of incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow, flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends and fittings; basics of compressible fluid flow
Heat Transfer Modes of heat transfer; one-dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept and electrical analogy, heat transfer through fins; unsteady heat conduction, lumped parameter system, Heisler's charts; thermal boundary layer, dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, heat transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods; radiative heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law, black and grey surfaces, view factors, radiation network analysis
Thermodynamics Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, the behavior of ideal and real gases; zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various processes; second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and tables, availability and irreversibility; thermodynamic relations
Applications Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapor and gas power cycles, concepts of regeneration and reheat. I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel, and dual cycles. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning: Vapor and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles; properties of moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes. Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams, Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines; steam and gas turbines
Materials, Manufacturing, and Industrial Engineering
Engineering Materials Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials
Casting, Forming, and Joining Processes Different types of castings, design of patterns, molds, and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design. Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy. Principles of welding, brazing, soldering, and adhesive bonding
Machining and Machine Tool Operations Mechanics of machining; basic machine tools; single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry, and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, jigs and fixtures; abrasive machining processes; NC/CNC machines and CNC programming
Metrology and Inspection Limits fits, and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly; concepts of the coordinate-measuring machine (CMM)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools; additive manufacturing
Production Planning and Control Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning; lean manufacturing
Inventory Control Deterministic models; safety stock inventory control systems
Operations Research Linear programming, simplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM

GATE ME Syllabus 2025 Topic-Wise Weightage

Details of topic-wise weightage for the GATE ME Syllabus have been described below. In GATE ME Syllabus 2025 Theory of Machines, Metrology and Inspection, and Production Planning and Control hold the maximum weightage.

Topics Expected Marks
Applied Mechanics and Design
Engineering Mechanics 2-3
Mechanics of Materials / Strength of Materials 9-10
Theory of Machines 9-10
Vibrations 4-5
Machine Design 4-5
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Fluid Mechanics 6-7
Heat Transfer 5-6
Thermodynamics 12-13
Materials, Manufacturing, and Industrial Engineering
Engineering Materials 1-2
Casting, Forming, and Joining Processes 14-15
Machining and Machine Tool Operations 14-15
Metrology and Inspection 14-15
Production Planning and Control 14-15
Industrial Engineering 7-8
Operations Research 7-8
Computer Integrated Manufacturing 7-8

GATE DS and AI Syllabus 2025

For a detailed break-down of GATE DS and AI Syllabus 2025 candidates can refer to the table below:

Category Topics Covered
Probability and Statistics Counting (permutation and combinations), probability axioms, sample space, events, independent events, mutually exclusive events, marginal, conditional and joint probability, Bayes theorem, conditional expectation and variance, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, covariance, random variables, discrete random variables, probability mass functions, uniform, Bernoulli, binomial distribution, continuous random variables and probability distribution functions (uniform, exponential, Poisson, normal, standard normal, t-distribution, chi-squared distributions), cumulative distribution function, conditional PDF, Central limit theorem, confidence interval, z-test, t-test, chi-squared test.
Linear Algebra Vector space, subspaces, linear dependence and independence of vectors, matrices, projection matrix, orthogonal matrix, idempotent matrix, partition matrix and their properties, quadratic forms, systems of linear equations and solutions, Gaussian elimination, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, determinant, rank, nullity, projections, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition.
Calculus and Optimization Functions of a single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, Taylor series, maxima and minima, optimization involving a single variable.
Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms Programming in Python, basic data structures (stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, hash tables); search algorithms (linear search, binary search); basic sorting algorithms (selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort); divide and conquer algorithms (mergesort, quicksort); introduction to graph theory, basic graph algorithms (traversals, shortest path).
Database Management and Warehousing ER-model, relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL, integrity constraints, normal form, file organization, indexing, data types), data transformation (normalization, discretization, sampling, compression), data warehouse modeling (schema for multidimensional data models, concept hierarchies, measures: categorization and computations).
Machine Learning Supervised Learning: Regression and classification problems, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, ridge regression, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbor, naive Bayes classifier, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machine, decision trees, bias-variance trade-off, cross-validation methods (leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation, k-fold cross-validation), multi-layer perceptron, feed-forward neural network. Unsupervised Learning: Clustering algorithms, k-means/k-medoids, hierarchical clustering, top-down, bottom-up, single-linkage, multiple-linkage, dimensionality reduction, principal component analysis.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) Search (informed, uninformed, adversarial), logic (propositional, predicate), reasoning under uncertainty (conditional independence representation, exact inference through variable elimination, approximate inference through sampling).

GATE DS and AI Syllabus 2025 Topic-Wise Weightage

As per the table below, Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms in GATE DS and AI Syllabus hold the maximum weightage. This topic alone will carry 13-21 marks in the GATE 2025 exams. Detailed breakdown of GATE DS and AI Syllabus 2025 Topic-Wise weightage is presented below:

Topics Expected Marks
Probability and Statistics 10-16
Linear Algebra 6-10
Calculus and Optimization 5-8
Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms 13-21
Database Management and Warehousing 6-8
Machine Learning 8-11
Artificial Intelligence 7-11

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus

The GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 is divided into six major sections, covering a wide range of topics related to general biology, Genetics, Cellular, and Molecular Biology genetic technology, etc. Below is a detailed section-wise introduction followed by a tabular representation of the syllabus.

Section Topics Sub-Topics
General Biology Biochemistry Biomolecules - structure and function; Biological membranes - structure, membrane channels and pumps, molecular motors, action potential, and transport processes; Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids; Photosynthesis, respiration, electron transport chain; Enzymes - classification, catalytic and regulatory strategies; Enzyme kinetics (Michaelis-Menten equation); Enzyme inhibition (competitive, non-competitive, uncompetitive)
Microbiology Bacterial classification and diversity; Microbial Ecology; Microbial interactions; Viruses - structure and classification; Methods in microbiology; Microbial growth and nutrition; Nitrogen fixation; Microbial diseases and host-pathogen interactions; Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance
Immunology Innate and adaptive immunity; Humoral and cell-mediated immunity; Antibody structure and function; Antigen-antibody reaction; Primary and secondary lymphoid organs; MHC; Antigen processing and presentation; Immune tolerance; Hypersensitivity; Autoimmunity; Graft versus host reaction; Immunization and vaccines
Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology Genetics and Evolutionary Biology Mendelian inheritance; Gene interaction; Complementation; Linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping; Microbial genetics; Horizontal gene transfer; Genetic disorders; Population genetics; Epigenetics; Selection and inheritance; Adaptive and neutral evolution; Genetic drift
Cell Biology Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure; Cell cycle and growth control; Cell-cell communication; Cell signaling and transduction; Protein trafficking; Cell death and autophagy; Extracellular matrix
Molecular Biology Molecular structure of genes and chromosomes; Mutations and mutagenesis; Regulation of gene expression; Replication, transcription, splicing, translation; Non-coding RNA; DNA damage and repair
Fundamentals of Biological Engineering Engineering principles applied to biological systems Material and energy balances; Stoichiometry of growth and product formation; Recycle, bypass and purge processes
Classical Thermodynamics and Bioenergetics Laws of thermodynamics; Solution and reaction equilibria; Ligand binding; Membrane potential; Energetics of metabolic pathways
Transport Processes Fluid flow (laminar and turbulent); Mixing in bioreactors; Oxygen transfer; Heat exchangers; Molecular diffusion and film theory
Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology Bioreaction Engineering Rate law; Ideal reactors (batch, mixed flow, plug flow); Enzyme immobilization; Kinetics of cell growth, substrate utilization, and product formation
Upstream and Downstream Processing Media formulation; Sterilization; Filtration; Centrifugation; Cell disruption; Chromatography techniques (ion exchange, gel filtration, affinity, GC, HPLC, FPLC); Extraction, adsorption, and drying
Instrumentation and Process Control Measurement devices; Valves; First-order and second-order systems; Controllers (proportional, derivative, integral)
Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology Plants Totipotency; Regeneration; Tissue culture; Production of secondary metabolites; Transgenic plants; Gene transfer techniques
Animals Culture media composition; Animal cell and tissue preservation; Hybridoma and stem cell technology; Transgenic animals
Microbes Production of biofuels, bioplastics, industrial enzymes, and antibiotics; Large-scale production of recombinant proteins; Clinical, food, and industrial microbiology
Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools in Biotechnology Recombinant DNA Technology Restriction and modification enzymes; Vectors (plasmids, viral, Ti plasmid, BAC, YAC); Gene cloning; Transposons and gene targeting
Molecular Tools PCR; DNA/RNA labeling and sequencing; Southern and Northern blotting; DNA fingerprinting; CRISPR-Cas
Analytical Tools Microscopy (light, electron, fluorescent, confocal); Spectroscopy (UV, IR, MS, NMR); Electrophoresis; ELISA, RIA, immunoblotting; Flow cytometry; Whole genome sequencing
Computational Tools Bioinformatics resources; Sequence and structure databases; Genomics, proteomics, metabolomics; Functional annotation; Metagenomics

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 Topic-Wise Weightage

General Biotechnology in the GATE Bio Technology Syllabus holds the most weight. After that Plant and Animal Biotechnology hold the maximum weightage. Candidates can refer to the table below for the GATE Biotechnology Syllabus:

Subject Expected Marks/ Weightage
General Biotechnology 20-25
Plant and Animal Biotechnology 15-20
Engineering Mathematics 10-15
Bioprocess Engineering 10-15
General Aptitude 10

GATE Exam Syllabus for CSE 2025

GATE Computer Science covers topics from compiler design to programming. GATE Exam Syllabus for CSE is designed to assess problem-solving skills, programming expertise, and knowledge of fundamental computing principles.

Topics Sub-Topics
Compiler Design Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax-directed translation, Runtime environments, Intermediate code generation, Local optimization, Data flow analyses (constant propagation, liveness analysis, common subexpression elimination)
Computer Networks Concept of layering (OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks), Basics of packet, circuit, and virtual circuit-switching, Data link layer (framing, error detection, MAC, Ethernet bridging), Routing protocols (shortest path, flooding, distance-vector, link-state routing), Fragmentation and IP addressing (IPv4, CIDR notation), IP support protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT), Transport layer (flow control, congestion control, UDP, TCP, sockets), Application layer protocols (DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, Email)
Algorithms Searching, Sorting, Hashing, Asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity, Algorithm design techniques (greedy, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer), Graph traversals, Minimum spanning trees, Shortest paths
Operating System System calls, Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Concurrency and synchronization, Deadlock, CPU and I/O scheduling, Memory management, Virtual memory, File systems
Discrete Mathematics Propositional and first-order logic, Sets, relations, functions, partial orders, lattices, Monoids, Groups, Graphs (connectivity, matching, coloring), Combinatorics (counting, recurrence relations, generating functions)
Databases ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL), Integrity constraints, Normal forms, File organization, Indexing (B and B+ trees), Transactions, Concurrency control
Digital Logic Boolean algebra, Combinational and sequential circuits, Minimization, Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating-point)
Theory of Computation Regular expressions and finite automata, Context-free grammars and push-down automata, Regular and context-free languages, Pumping lemma, Turing machines, Undecidability
Computer Organization and Architecture Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, data path and control unit, Instruction pipelining and pipeline hazards, Memory hierarchy (cache, main memory, secondary storage), I/O interface (interrupt and DMA mode)
Programming and Data Structures Programming in C, Recursion, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps, Graphs

GATE CSE Syllabus 2025: Topic-Wise Weightage

GATE CSE syllabus 2025 includes a wide range of topics focusing on Programming and Data Structures, to Discrete Mathematics. Among them, Programming and Data Structures hold the highest weightage. A detailed breakdown of GATE CSE Syllabus 2025 is presented below:

Subject Weightage (%)
Programming and Data Structures 12%
Computer Organization 11%
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory 10%
Operating Systems 10%
Theory of Computation 9%
Computer Networks 6%
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 6%
Engineering Mathematics 5%
Compiler Design 4%
Digital Logic 4%

GATE Life Science Syllabus 2025

The GATE Life Science Syllabus 2025 includes several optional subjects like Biochemistry, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Food Technology, etc. Syllabus for all the optional subjects in GATE Life Science Syllabus is described below:

Subject Topics Subtopics
Biochemistry (XL-Q) Organization of Life Importance of Water

Structure and Function of Biomolecules Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids

Protein Structure, Folding, and Function Myoglobin, Hemoglobin, Lysozyme, Ribonuclease A, Carboxypeptidase, Chymotrypsin

Enzyme Kinetics Regulation, Inhibition, Vitamins, Coenzymes

Metabolism and Bioenergetics ATP Generation, Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogen and Fatty Acid Metabolism, Nitrogen Metabolism

Photosynthesis Calvin Cycle

Biochemical Separation Techniques Chromatography, Electrophoresis, UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry

Cell Structure and Organelles Membranes, Action Potential, Transport, Signal Transduction

DNA Processes Replication, Transcription, Translation, Gene Regulation

Recombinant DNA Technology PCR, Site-Directed Mutagenesis, DNA Microarray, NGS, Gene Silencing, Editing

Immune System Innate & Adaptive Immunity, Antibodies, B & T Cell Activation, MHC, Immunological Techniques, Monoclonal Antibodies
Botany (XL-R) Plant Systematics Botanical Nomenclature, Classification, Molecular Taxonomy, Herbaria

Plant Anatomy Root, Stem, Leaf, Floral Organs, Embryo, Meristems

Plant Development & Morphogenesis Life Cycle, Gametophyte, Tissue Patterning, Apical Meristems, Flowering Transition

Physiology & Biochemistry Water Relations, Nutrient Uptake, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Secondary Metabolites

Genetics & Genomics Cell Cycle, Mendelian Inheritance, Epigenetics, Gene Expression, Functional Genomics

Plant Breeding & Genetic Modification Selection, Hybridization, Molecular Markers, Genome Editing

Economic & Applied Botany Cash Crops, Industrial Uses, GM Crops

Plant Pathology Diseases, Pathogenesis, Resistance, Plant-Microbe Interaction

Ecology & Environment Ecosystems, Biogeochemical Cycles, Biodiversity, Climate, Pollution
Microbiology (XL-S) Historical Perspective Microbial World Discovery, Spontaneous Generation Controversy

Methods in Microbiology Culture Techniques, Antigen-Antibody Detection, PCR, NGS

Microbial Taxonomy & Diversity Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotic Microbes, Viruses, Molecular Phylogeny

Prokaryotic Cell Structure Cell Walls, Membranes, Solute Transport, Flagella, Chemotaxis

Microbial Growth Growth Curve, Measurement, Biofilms

Control of Microorganisms Disinfection, Sterilization, Assessment of Efficacy

Microbial Metabolism Electron Transport, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Glycolysis, Fermentation

Microbial Diseases & Host-Pathogen Interaction Infectious Diseases, Pathogenicity, Host Defenses, Vaccines

Chemotherapy/Antibiotics Antibiotics Mechanisms, Resistance, Antiviral & Antifungal Drugs

Microbial Genetics Mutations, DNA Repair, Gene Regulation, Bacterial Genome

Microbial Ecology Carbon, Nitrogen Cycles, Soil Microbes, Bioremediation, Metagenomics
Zoology (XL-T) Animal Diversity Systematics, Classification, Phylogenetics

Evolution Origin of Life, Natural Selection, Speciation

Genetics Inheritance, Genetic Mapping, Population Genetics

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Proteins, Lipids, DNA, Enzymes, Metabolic Pathways

Cell Biology Organelles, Chromatin, Cytoskeleton, Cell Division

Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Transposable Elements, Genome Organization

Animal Anatomy & Physiology Nervous, Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Endocrine Systems

Parasitology & Immunology Host-Parasite Interaction, Immune Responses

Developmental Biology Gametogenesis, Organogenesis, Stem Cells

Ecology Food Chain, Population Dynamics, Conservation

Animal Behavior Courtship, Mating, Learning, Communication
Food Technology (XL-U) Food Chemistry & Nutrition Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Pigments, Enzymes, Biochemical Changes

Food Microbiology Microbial Growth, Food Spoilage, Toxins, Fermented Foods

Food Products Technology Processing Principles, Packaging, Cereal & Dairy Processing, Waste Utilization

Food Engineering Heat & Mass Transfer, Thermal Operations, Mechanical Operations
Chemistry (Life Science) Atomic Structure & Periodicity Planck’s Quantum Theory, Wave-Particle Duality, Uncertainty Principle, Electronic Configuration, Hund’s Rule, Periodic Properties

Structure and Bonding Ionic & Covalent Bonding, MO and VB Approaches, VSEPR Theory, Hybridization, Resonance, Dipole Moment, Hydrogen Bonding

s, p, and d Block Elements Oxides, Halides, Hydrides, General Characteristics of 3d Elements, Coordination Complexes, Color, Geometry, Magnetic Properties

Chemical Equilibria Osmotic Pressure, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Ionic Equilibria, Solubility Product, Hydrolysis of Salts, pH, Buffer

Electrochemistry Conductance, Cell Potentials, EMF, Nernst Equation, Thermodynamic Aspects, Applications

Reaction Kinetics Rate Constant, Order of Reaction, Activation Energy, Zero, First & Second Order Kinetics, Catalysis, Enzyme Reactions

Thermodynamics First Law, Reversible & Irreversible Processes, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Kirchoff Equation, Second Law, Entropy, Free Energy

Structure-Reactivity Correlations Acids & Bases, Stereochemistry, Tautomerism, Conformers, Aromaticity, SN1, SN2, E1, E2 Reactions, Hydroboration Reactions

Chemistry of Biomolecules Amino Acids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Nucleotides, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Biomolecule Purification, Identification Methods

GATE Life Science Topic-Wise Weightage 2025

Candidates can refer to the table below to get more information on GATE Life Science Topic-Wise Weightage 2025.

Section Topics Type of Questions Weightage
Chemistry (Section P) Atomic Structure, Bonding, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanisms, Stereochemistry 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 25%
Biochemistry (Section Q) Biomolecules, Enzymes, Metabolism, Molecular Biology, Cell Signaling, Analytical Techniques 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 15%
Botany (Section R) Plant Physiology, Plant Anatomy, Genetics and Breeding, Ecology, Plant Systematics 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 15%
Microbiology (Section S) Microbial Taxonomy, Physiology, Microbial Genetics, Immunology, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 15%
Zoology (Section T) Animal Physiology, Comparative Anatomy, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 15%
Food Technology (Section U) Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Processing, Quality Control, Food Engineering 1-mark MCQs, 2-mark MCQs, NATs 15%

GATE CE Syllabus 2025

GATE CE Syllabus 2025 includes various subtopics in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Geomatics Engineering.

Topic Sub-Topics
Structural Engineering
Engineering Mechanics System of forces, free-body diagrams, equilibrium equations; Internal forces in structures; Friction and its applications; Centre of mass; Free Vibrations of undamped SDOF system
Solid Mechanics Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams; Simple stress and strain relationships; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, shear centre; Uniform torsion, Transformation of stress; buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses
Structural Analysis Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/energy methods; Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Displacement methods: Slope deflection and moment distribution methods; Influence lines; Stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis
Construction Materials and Management Construction Materials: Structural Steel – Composition, material properties and behavior; Concrete - Constituents, mix design, short-term and long-term properties. Construction Management: Types of construction projects; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and CPM; Cost estimation
Concrete Structures Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of beams, slabs, columns; Bond and development length; Prestressed concrete beams
Steel Structures Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression members, beams and beam-columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, beam-column connections, plate girders and trusses; Concept of plastic analysis -beams and frames
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties; Unified and Indian standard soil classification system; Permeability - one-dimensional flow, Seepage through soils – two-dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping, capillarity, seepage force; Principle of effective stress and quicksand condition; Compaction of soils; One-dimensional consolidation, time rate of consolidation; Shear Strength, Mohr’s circle, effective and total shear strength parameters, Stress-Strain characteristics of clays and sand; Stress paths
Foundation Engineering Sub-surface investigations - Drilling boreholes, sampling, plate load test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories - Rankine and Coulomb; Stability of slopes – Finite and infinite slopes, Bishop’s method; Stress distribution in soils – Boussinesq’s theory; Pressure bulbs, Shallow foundations – Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water table; Combined footing and raft foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in sands and clays; Deep foundations – dynamic and static formulae, Axial load capacity of piles in sands and clays, pile load test, pile under lateral loading, pile group efficiency, negative skin friction
Water Resources Engineering
Fluid Mechanics Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum and energy equations and their applications; Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow; Flow in pipes, pipe networks; Concept of boundary layer and its growth; Concept of lift and drag
Hydraulics Forces on immersed bodies; Flow measurement in channels and pipes; Dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude; Channel Hydraulics - Energy-depth relationships, specific energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump, uniform flow, gradually varied flow and water surface profiles
Hydrology Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapotranspiration, watershed, infiltration, unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, reservoir capacity, flood estimation and routing, surface runoff models, groundwater hydrology - steady state well hydraulics and aquifers; Application of Darcy’s Law
Irrigation Types of irrigation systems and methods; Crop water requirements - Duty, delta, evapotranspiration; Gravity Dams and Spillways; Lined and unlined canals, Design of weirs on permeable foundation; cross drainage structures
Environmental Engineering
Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment Basics of water quality standards – Physical, chemical and biological parameters; Water quality index; Unit processes and operations; Water requirement; Water distribution system; Drinking water treatment; Sewerage system design, quantity of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment. Effluent discharge standards; Sludge disposal; Reuse of treated sewage for different applications
Air Pollution Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution control, air quality standards, Air quality Index and limits
Municipal Solid Wastes Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy recovery, treatment and disposal)
Transportation Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure Geometric design of highways - cross-sectional elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments. Geometric design of railway Track – Speed and Cant. Concept of airport runway length, calculations and corrections; taxiway and exit taxiway design
Highway Pavements Highway materials - desirable properties and tests; Desirable properties of bituminous paving mixes; Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements; Design of flexible and rigid pavement using IRC codes
Traffic Engineering Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental relationships; Traffic signs; Signal design by Webster’s method; Types of intersections; Highway capacity
Geomatics Engineering
Geomatics Engineering Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps - scale, coordinate system; Distance and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation survey; Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Scale, flying height; Basics of remote sensing and GIS

GATE ECE Syllabus 2025

GATE Electrical Engineering Syllabus 2025, focusing on core topics across Engineering Mathematics, Networks, Signals and Systems, Electronic Devices, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Control Systems, Communications, and Electromagnetics.

Sections Topic-Wise Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics - Linear Algebra- Calculus- Differential Equations- Vector Analysis
Networks, Signals, and Systems - Circuit analysis: Node and mesh analysis, superposition, Thevenin's theorem, Norton’s theorem, reciprocity.- Sinusoidal steady state analysis: phasors, complex power, maximum power transfer.- Time and frequency domain analysis of linear circuits: RL, RC and RLC circuits, solution of network equations using Laplace transform.- Linear 2-port network parameters, wye-delta transformation.- Continuous-time signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform, sampling theorem and applications.- Discrete-time signals: DTFT, DFT, z-transform, discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals.- LTI systems: definition and properties, causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeroes, frequency response, group delay, phase delay.
Electronic Devices - Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, equilibrium carrier concentration, direct and indirect band-gap semiconductors.- Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity, generation and recombination of carriers, Poisson, and continuity equations.- P-N junction, Zener diode, BJT, MOS capacitor, MOSFET, LED, photodiode, and solar cell.
Analog Circuits - Diode circuits: clipping, clamping, and rectifiers.- BJT and MOSFET amplifiers: biasing, ac coupling, small-signal analysis, frequency response.- Current mirrors and differential amplifiers.- Op-amp circuits: Amplifiers, summers, differentiators, integrators, active filters, Schmitt triggers, and oscillators.
Digital Circuits - Number representations: binary, integer, and floating-point- numbers.- Combinational circuits: Boolean algebra, minimization of functions using Boolean identities and Karnaugh map, logic gates, and their static CMOS implementations, arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers, and decoders.- Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters, shift-registers, finite state machines, propagation delay, setup and hold time, critical path delay.- Data converters: sample and hold circuits, ADCs, and DACs.- Semiconductor memories: ROM, SRAM, DRAM.- Computer organization: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, data-path, control unit, instruction pipelining.
Control Systems - Basic control system components; Feedback principle; Transfer function; Block diagram representation; Signal flow graph.- Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems; Frequency response.- Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist stability criteria; Bode and root-locus plots.- Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation.- State variable model and solution of state equation of LTI systems.
Communications - Random processes: autocorrelation and power spectral density, properties of white noise, filtering of random signals through LTI systems.- Analog communications: amplitude modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra of AM and FM, superheterodyne receivers.- Information theory: entropy, mutual information, and channel capacity theorem.- Digital communications: PCM, DPCM, digital modulation schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM), bandwidth, inter-symbol interference, MAP, ML detection, matched filter receiver, SNR, and BER.- Fundamentals of error correction, Hamming codes, CRC.
Electromagnetics - Maxwell's equations: differential and integral forms and their interpretation, boundary conditions, wave equation, Poynting vector.- Plane waves and properties: reflection and refraction, polarization, phase and group velocity, propagation through various media, skin depth.- Transmission lines: equations, characteristic impedance, impedance matching, impedance transformation, S-parameters, Smith chart.- Rectangular and circular waveguides, light propagation in optical fibers, dipole and monopole antennas, linear antenna arrays.

GATE Syllabus 2025 General Aptitude

GATE General Aptitude Syllabus 2025 covers 4 sections viz. Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude.

Sl. No. Syllabus
1 Verbal Ability
2 Quantitative Aptitude
3 Analytical Aptitude
4 Spatial Aptitude

GATE 2025 Exam Pattern

As per GATE 2025 Exam Pattern candidates will have total 180 minutes to complete the test. The test will be conducted in CBT Mode.

Particulars Details
Examination Mode Computer Based Test (CBT)
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Negative Marking For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for an incorrect answer.  For 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)   Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Distribution of Marks in all Papers except papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL General Aptitude: 15 Marks  Engineering Mathematics: 13 Marks Subject Questions: 72 Marks  Total: 100 Marks
Questions for testing these abilities - Recall - Comprehension - Application - Analysis & Synthesis
Number of Subjects (Papers) 30
Number of Questions 10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Distribution of Marks in papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL General Aptitude: 15 Marks Subject Questions: 85 Marks  Total: 100 Marks
Sections 3 Sections
Marking Scheme Questions carry 1 mark and 2 marks

GATE 2025 Preparation Tips

GATE 2025 exam has already started. Some papers like DA and AI, EC, GE, XH, BM, EY is still pending. Before the exam candidates should adopt some stateguc approach for last minute preparation. Considering that some eefectice GATE 2025 Preparation tips will be presented below:

Understand the GATE Syllabus: Start by thoroughly reviewing the GATE 2025 syllabus to identify essential topics and organize your preparation. This helps manage the extensive syllabus more effectively.

Understannd GATE 2025 Exam Pattern: Study the GATE 2025 exam pattern to understand the structure of the question paper, types of questions, and time allocation for each section.

Take Regular Mock Tests: Practice GATE 2025 mock tests daily to improve accuracy. 

Quality Study Material: Use recommended GATE preparation books and online resources to build a solid understanding of difficult topics. Quality materials provide deeper insights into complex subjects.

Solve Previous Year's Question Papers: Work through past GATE question papers to understand the question patterns and identify frequently asked topics.

GATE Syllabus 2025 FAQs

How can candidates prepare for the GATE 2025 exam using the syllabus?

Ans.Candidates should first thoroughly review the GATE 2025 syllabus and break it down into manageable sections. Creating a study plan, focusing on weak areas, and regularly taking mock tests are effective strategies. Referencing recommended books and online courses can provide a deeper understanding of complex topics.

Does the GATE 2025 syllabus include weightage for specific topics?

Ans.The GATE syllabus does not provide specific weightage for topics. However, by reviewing previous years' question papers, candidates can identify important topics that frequently appear in the exam and allocate time accordingly.

Can candidates choose multiple subjects for the GATE 2025 exam?

No, candidates are required to choose only one subject for the GATE 2025 exam. The subject must align with their academic background or career interest. A list of available subjects is provided in the official GATE syllabus.

How do I download the GATE 2025 syllabus PDF?

Ans.The GATE 2025 syllabus PDF can be downloaded directly from the official GATE exam website. Simply navigate to the syllabus section and download the document for reference.

What are some common topics found in the GATE 2025 syllabus across all subjects?

Ans.Common topics across all subjects in the GATE 2025 syllabus include General Aptitude (GA) and Engineering Mathematics which are essential sections for most engineering and science disciplines.

How much time should I dedicate to complete the GATE 2025 syllabus?

Ans.The time required to complete the GATE 2025 syllabus depends on the individual's familiarity with the subjects. On average, candidates spend about 6 to 12 months preparing for the exam. This allows ample time for revision, practice, and mock tests.

What are the important topics in the GATE 2025 syllabus for CE ?

Important topics for Civil Engineering (CE) candidates in the GATE 2025 syllabus include Structural Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Environmental Engineering

Is there a negative marking in GATE 2025?

Yes, there is negative marking for MCQs in the GATE 2025 exam. For a 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark is deducted for incorrect answers, and for 2-mark MCQs,2/3 mark is deducted. There is no negative marking for NAT questions.

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