Subject |
Topics |
Orthopaedics |
Skeletal Trauma, Poly trauma, Fractures, Musculoskeletal Infection, Skeletal Tuberculosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and associated inflammatory disorders, Degenerative disorders, Metabolic bone disorders, Poliomyelitis, Cerebral Palsy, Bone Tumors, Peripheral nerve injuries, Congenital lesions, Procedural Skills, Counselling Skills. |
Anatomy and Physiology of ear, nose, throat, head & neck, Clinical Skills, Diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures in ENT, Management of diseases of ear, nose & throat. |
Surgery |
Metabolic response to injury, Shock, Blood and blood components, Burns, Wound healing and wound care, Surgical infections, Surgical Audit and Research, Ethics, Investigation of surgical patient, Pre, intra and post-operative management, Anaesthesia and pain management, Nutrition and fluid therapy, Transplantation, Basic Surgical Skills, Biohazard disposal, Minimally invasive General Surgery, Trauma, Skin and subcutaneous tissue, Developmental anomalies of face, mouth and jaws, Oropharyngeal cancer, Disorders of salivary glands, Endocrine General Surgery (Thyroid and parathyroid, Adrenal glands, Pancreas, Breast), Cardio-thoracic General Surgery (Chest - Heart and Lungs), Vascular disease, Abdomen, Urinary System, Penis, Testis and scrotum. |
Ophthalmology |
Visual Acuity Assessment, Lids and Adnexa, Orbit, Conjunctiva, Cornea, Sclera, Iris and Anterior chamber, Lens, Retina & optic Nerve. |
Medicine |
Heart Failure, Acute Myocardial Infarction/IHD, Pneumonia, Fever and febrile syndromes, Liver disease, HIV, Rheumatologic problems, Hypertension, Anemia, Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic renal failure, Diabetes Mellitus, Thyroid dysfunction, Common malignancies, Obesity, GI bleeding, Diarrheal disorder, Headache, Cerebrovascular accident, Movement disorders, Envenomation, Poisoning, Mineral, Fluid Electrolyte and Acid-base Disorders, Nutritional and Vitamin Deficiencies, Geriatrics, Miscellaneous Infections (e.g. Leptospirosis, Rabies, Tetanus), The role of the physician in the community. |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Demographic and Vital Statistics, Anatomy of the female reproductive tract (Basic anatomy and embryology), Physiology of conception, Development of the fetus and placenta, Preconception counselling, Diagnosis of pregnancy, Maternal Changes in pregnancy, Antenatal Care, Complications in early pregnancy, Antepartum haemorrhage, Multiple pregnancies, Medical Disorders in pregnancy, Labour, Abnormal Lie and Presentation, Maternal Pelvis, Operative obstetrics, Complications of the third stage, Lactation, Care of the new born, Normal and abnormal puerperium, Medical termination of pregnancy, Contraception, Vaginal discharge, Normal and abnormal puberty, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Amenorrhea, Genital injuries and fistulae, Genital infections, Infertility, Uterine fibroids, PCOS and hirsutism, Uterine prolapse, Menopause, Benign, Pre-malignant (CIN) and Malignant Lesions of the Cervix, Benign and malignant diseases of the uterus and the ovaries. |
Paediatrics |
Normal Growth and Development, Common problems related to Growth, Developmental delay, Cerebral palsy, Scholastic backwardness, Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Common problems related to behavior, Adolescent Health & common problems related to Adolescent Health, Breastfeeding, Complementary Feeding, Normal nutrition, Obesity in children, Micronutrients in Health and disease (Vitamins ADEK, B Complex and C, Iron, Iodine, Calcium, Magnesium), Toxic elements and free radicals, Fluid and electrolyte balance, Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) Guidelines, National Health programs (NHM, RCH), Universal Immunizations program, Care of the Normal New born and High-risk New born, Genito-Urinary system, Rheumatologic problems, Heart Diseases, Diarrhoeal diseases and Dehydration, Malabsorption, Pediatric Emergencies, Respiratory system, Anemia and other Hemato-oncologic disorders, Central Nervous system, Allergic Rhinitis, Atopic Dermatitis, Asthma, Chromosomal Abnormalities, Endocrinology, Vaccine preventable Diseases - Tuberculosis. |
Psychiatry |
Doctor-patient relationship, Mental health, Introduction to psychiatry, Psychotic disorders (e.g. alcohol and substance abuse disorders, schizophrenia), Depression, Bipolar disorders, Anxiety disorders, Stress related disorders, Somatoform disorders, Personality disorders, Psychosomatic disorders, Psychosexual and gender identity disorders, Psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence, Mental retardation, Psychiatric disorders in the elderly, Psychiatric emergencies, Therapeutics. |
Dermatology |
Acne, Vitiligo, Papulosquamous disorders, Lichen Planus, Scabies, Pediculosis, Fungal Infections, Viral infections, Leprosy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV, Dermatitis and Eczema, Vesicobullous Lesions, Urticaria Angioedema, Pyoderma, Collagen Vascular disease, Nutritional Deficiencies and Skin, Systemic diseases and skin. |
Radiology |
Radiological investigations and Radiation safety. |
Radiotherapy |
Principles of Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy), Radiation Protection, Radiobiology & Chemoradiation, Radiation Treatment Delivery & outcome, Cancer Prevention & Registries. |
Anaesthesia |
Anaesthesiology as a specialty, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Preoperative evaluation and medication, General Anaesthesia, Regional anaesthesia, Post-anaesthesia recovery, Intensive Care Management, Pain and its management, Fluids, Patient safety. |