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Calicut University (University of Calicut): Facilities & Campus Amenities – Hostels, Labs, Sports & More





Amrita Das's profile picture

Updated on Jan 09, 2025

Amrita Das

Calicut University is spread over a humongous area of 520 acres. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for its students. UoC has a centre which is situated at Dr. John Matthai Centre, Laloor. The centre has infrastructure facilities such as Principal Room, Guest House, Botanical Graden, Swimming Pool, Asia's 1st Largest Natural Stadium of 1 Km circumference, Libraries, Common Rooms for Boys and Girls, Sports facilities, etc. Science departments feature both common and specialized laboratories, complete with cutting-edge technology.

Common academic support facilities include the Centralised Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility (CSIF), a museum, an animal house, a botanical garden, a park, an observatory, and a manuscript library. All 34 Departments of Calicut University have KOHA-enabled automated domain-specific academic libraries. Classrooms and seminar halls also have ICT facilities.

UoC boasts well-established sporting facilities, including Asia's largest natural stadium with a one-kilometer perimeter. This stadium has floodlights and big pavilions, galleries with a seating capacity of one lakh, athletic tracks, synthetic tracks, and two grass football fields, all of which meet international standards.

Other Facilities

Facilities Details
Mathematics Lab The Centre provides adequate facilities for researching mathematical concepts.Important materials include Frustum, Fraction Skit, Algebra Tiles, Pipes and Connectors, Jodo Blocks, and so on.
Art & Craft Resource Centre The Center provides appropriate facilities for creating Socially Useful Productive Work.The center provides adequate space for expressing their innermost feelings and the world around them.
Library The center houses a well-equipped library.Books, journals, encyclopedias, periodicals, and newspapers are among the available materials.The library has a pleasant reading area with a seating capacity of 25. It is open on all working days.The centre can now access e-resources from the CHMK Library, University of Calicut, using Remote Access Login.
ICT Lab The centre has a good ict lab with a enough quantity of laptops and desktop PCs.It provides internet access via high-speed Broadband connectivity.
Science Lab The centre is supported with a well-organized Science Laboratory for displaying and conducting experiments. It provides firsthand experience in conducting investigations. The scientific lab is outfitted with a variety of tools, chemicals, electronic devices, charts and models, specimens, permanent slides, and other improvised learning aids.
Health and Physical Education Resourse Centre The center includes facilities for Health and Physical Education programs. Carrom board, chess board, Khyati hooda loop, and other items are vital to have in the resource centre. The center also provides ample room for Yogic practices.

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