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Asian College of Journalism: Admissions 2025 – Fees, Eligibility, Last Date & Process




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Updated on Jan 09, 2025


The Asian College of Journalism, which offers a postgraduate diploma course in journalism, is a journalism college in Chennai, India. This institution was initiated by the Indian Express group in 1994, launching only print courses from its Bangalore centre. In the year 2000, the newspaper was bought by a not-for-profit trust headed by journalist Sashi Kumar, who rebranded the newspaper and moved it to Chennai. It has been offering a 10-month programme, after completing which students attain a PG diploma with specialization in any of the streams, namely Integrated Multimedia Journalism and Business & Financial Journalism

Table of Content

  1. Asian College of Journalism Courses
  2. Asian College of Journalism Admission Process
  3. Asian College of Journalism Scholarships
  4. Asian College of Journalism FAQs

Asian College of Journalism Courses

Asian College of Journalism Offers different postgraduate diploma courses The course fee of this university lies in the range of INR 460,200 to INR 708,000. The college has also ensured that minimum eligibility criteria are set for different courses. To get admission in Asian College of Journalism Courses, The courses along with their fees, eligibility and duration are described here.

Course Eligibility Duration
Integrated Multimedia Journalism Graduate in any of the subject 10- month
Print Journalism Graduate in any of the subject 10- month
Radio Journalism Graduate in any of the subject 10- month
Television Journalism Graduate in any of the subject 10- month
Broadcast Journalism and New Media Graduate in any of the subject 10- month
Business and Financial Journalism Graduate in any of the subject 10- month

After the completion of the program, students receive the Postgraduate Diploma certificate by Asian College of Journalism at the end of the academic year. Continuous assessment is followed, with no final exam and they receive credit score based on that.

First Division 90% and above 85 - 89% 80 - 84% A Plus A A Minus
High Second Division 75 - 79% B Plus
Second Division 70 - 74% 65 - 69% B B Minus
Third Division 60 - 64% 55 - 59% 50 - 54% C Plus
C C Minus
Fail Below 50% F

Asian College of Journalism Admission Process

Eligibility Criteria

A Bachelor's degree is required. Students who have completed Graduation in any field are able to apply for admission to the following programs:

  • Integrated Multimedia Journalism
  • Print Journalism
  • Television Journalism
  • Radio Journalism
  • Broadcast Journalism and New Media
  • Business and Financial Journalism

Candidates whose undergraduate results are not yet declared can also apply.

Students enrolled in the Programme must report to the Registrar with a mark sheet or degree certificate by the end of the first week after classes have commenced. All students with their results still awaited should submit their degree certificate by the end of March 2025.

Application Procedure

The application form can be submitted online or it can be downloaded, completed, and submitted offline. The application fee for the process is Rs 2,360/- (inclusive of GST 18%). Candidates applying to more than one program should only pay one application fee. The application fee can be submitted online or sent by Demand Draft. The full name, email id and mobile number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned along with the it.

In case of online transfer, upon submitting the form, the applicant will be forwarded to Online Payment gateway. The applicant can pay using credit card/ debit card/ net banking/UPI.

Certificate of caste: If SC and ST applicants produce community certificates, the application fee need not be paid.

Entrance Test & Interview

  • Those candidates who are short-listed are called to sit for an online entrance test. The candidates are free to take the test at their own home where the candidate can access a computer with an internet facility.
  • Candidates applying for the programmes will be informed, within a week of receiving the completed application, about the date and time of the online examination, and online interview.
  • The test and interview will be used to assess the candidate based on his proficiency regarding his/her ability to speak the language effectively in English, general knowledge, and even current affairs.

Asian College of Journalism Scholarships

Asian College of Journalism has numerous scholarship plans. Each of them are described below:

  • Merit-cum Scholarship: The college provides scholarships on merit basis to desired candidates qualifying for it.
  • SC/ST Scholarship: In order to avail this scholarship, the candidate seeking admission has to produce an income certificate along with caste certificate.
  • Manjeet Singh Scholarships through SAF: The SAF-Madanjeet Singh scholarship is given for the one-year postgraduate programme at Asian College of Journalism, covering eight countries:India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The scholarship cover fees, and economy air fare from the scholar's residence within SAARC, housing and lodging costs for duration of the course, complete food expenses at the ACJ canteen, and a small amount for pocket expenses.
  • Scholarship for SAF: The South Asia Foundation (SAF) offers scholarships to students belonging to the eight SAARC countries which are Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives. The Admission Committee decides on the Indian SAF scholarships.

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