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Madras University Distance Education (IDE UNOM): Cutoff 2024 – Check Previous Year Cutoff & Trends




Private Institute


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Updated on Jan 09, 2025


One among the most reputed institutions offering numerous undergraduate and postgraduate programs is Madras University's Institute of Distance Education. It helps many students who could not get into full-time courses in institutions with a minimum cut-off mark as considered fit for admission by the institution. Understanding the cut-off marks trends and what influences it will help the students prepare themselves in advance and make correct choices.

Cut-Off Details

The cut-off marks of the students entering Madras University IDE are subject to change based on the program under which they are joining and the category of applicants. Here is the complete table showing the current year's cut-offs for various categories: Table

Course General OBC SC ST
B.A. English 60% 55% 50% 45%
B.Com 65% 60% 55% 50%
B.Sc. Mathematics 70% 65% 60% 55%
M.A. History 55% 50% 45% 40%
M.Sc. IT 75% 70% 65% 60%

These cut-offs are indicative and can vary slightly each year based on various factors.

Previous Year Trends

Understanding the admission dynamics can be gained by examining the cut-off trends over the previous few years. The cut-off scores for the previous three years are contrasted here: Table

Course 2021 2022 2023
B.A. English 58% 59% 60%
B.Com 63% 64% 65%
B.Sc. Mathematics 68% 69% 70%
M.A. History 53% 54% 55%
M.Sc. IT 73% 74% 75%

The patterns show that the cut-off marks are gradually rising, which reflects the rising demand and competition for these courses.

Factors Affecting Cut-Offs

Cut-off marks are decided with regards to different factors at Madras University IDE:

  1. Applicants: The cut-off marks depend upon the number of applicants. If huge numbers of students have applied, then automatically, the cut-off marks will be at their peak.
  2. Exam Difficulty: Qualifying exams, in turn, may influence the cut-off marks. If it is an easy qualifying exam then automatically, the cut-offs shoot up and vice versa.
  3. Seat Availability: As the number of seats is limited in popular courses, the cut-off marks shoot up.
  4. Reservation Policies: The reservation policies adopted for the different categories like General, OBC, SC, and ST have much to do with the cut-off marks.
  5. Previous Year Cut-Offs: Trends observed in the previous year is often used as a benchmark for the current year.

Reservation/Quota Info

As a consequence, Madras University IDE definitely adheres to the Indian Government's reservation policies so that education is equally available to all. The reservation percentages are as follows:

  • General Category: No reservation
  • OBC: 27%
  • SC: 15%
  • ST: 7.5%
  • PwD (Persons with Disabilities): 5%

Cut-off marks are sometimes affected because the cut-off mark is relatively lesser in the case of reserved categories compared with the cut-offs in the general category.

How to Check Cut-Off

One just needs to follow the following simple steps to check the cut-off marks for Madras University IDE:

  1. Official Website Visit the official website of Madras University IDE at www.ideunom.ac.in.
  2. Access the Admissions: Click Admissions right on the home page.
  3. Select Course: Choose the course in which you are interested in seeing the cut-off marks for.
  4. Screen View: The cut-off marks are displayed on the screen. Take a print or copy of the page in case you need it later.

Counseling Process

The candidates' score cut-off marks are further required to go through the counseling process for final admission. The counseling process comprises the following:

  1. Registration: Candidates have to register themselves for counseling on the official website.
  2. Document Verification: The candidate has to submit all the required documents for verification.
  3. Choice Filling: Fill in your preferred courses and colleges.
  4. Seat Allotment: Seat allotment will be made based on your rank and preference.
  5. Admission Confirmation: Admission fee is to be paid, and seat confirmation will be done.

Important Dates

Some of the important dates related to admissions are as given below:

  • Cut-Off Release: June 15, 2024
  • Counseling Registration: June 20 - June 30, 2024
  • Document Verification: July 1 - July 10, 2024
  • Choice Filling: July 11 - July 15, 2024
  • Seat Allotment: July 20, 2024
  • Last Date for Admission: July 31, 2024

No exam data available.

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