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UEM Jaipur: Cutoff 2024 – Check Previous Year Cutoff & Trends





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Updated on Jan 09, 2025


University of Engineering and Management is known for educating students across different technical and management fields. With strong faculties, the university has grown popular for its commitment towards excelling students in almost all fields.

Table of Content
  1. UEM Jaipur Cut-Off 2024
  2. UEM Jaipur Previous Year Cut-Off Trends
  3. UEM Jaipur: Factors Affecting Cut-Offs
  4. UEM Jaipur: How to Check Cut-Off?
  5. UEM Jaipur Important Dates
  6. UEM Jaipur FAQs

UEM Jaipur Cut-Off 2024

The cut-off details for joining the University of Engineering and Management vary for different courses. The detailed cut-off information is as follows,

Course Closing Rank(2024)
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) 31525
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering(Cyber Security) 42555
B.Tech in CSE (IoT and Cyber Security including BlockChain Technology) 14652
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Robotics, Artificial Intelligence) 46158
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Networks) 68436
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) 9812
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering 8796
B.Tech in Computer Science and Technology 44378
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) 10517
B.Tech in Computer Science and Information Technology 24055
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (IOT) 18084

UEM Jaipur Previous Year Cut-Off Trends

Based on the previous years, the cut-off trends for the University of Engineering and Management are as follows:

Course Closing Rank(2023)
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering(Internet of Things and Cyber Security including BlockChain Technology) 17861
B.Tech in Computer Science and Information Technology 11664

UEM Jaipur: Factors Affecting Cut-Offs

There are many factors that are affecting the cut-off and students might find it difficult to get into their desired programs because of them. Due to the difficulty in the examinations like JEE which is considered as the requirement for getting into the B.Tech program, it affects cut-off scores since only a few students will be able to clear the examination with the required score.

Due to the reservation quota, there are only a limited number of seats available for students from different categories. These rules are made based on government norms and to make the university inclusive of students from all over the nation and world. This affects students who are looking for programs with especially higher demand, not all of the applicants will be able to get it.

UEM Jaipur: How to Check Cut-Off

The Admission process for the University of Engineering & Management can be done via online or offline application. For Online Application:

  1. Go to the official website of The University of Engineering and Management
  2. Fill The necessary details in the official web page and click the submit button
  3. Now The applicant Will be able to visit the official website and apply for the desired course.
  4. Once the application is down, the applicant will receive a confirmation email, if they get selected.

For Offline Application:

  1. The applicant has to go to the college campus for an offline application.
  2. The applicant must have all the necessary documents along with them while going to the campus.
  3. Payment has to be made for completing the admission process.

UEM Jaipur Important Dates

Document verification Date (Tentative)
1st Round (newly allotted students) 26-09-2024 to 28-09-2024 (10 am to 1 pm)
2nd Round (newly allotted students) 01-10-2024 to 04-10-2024 (10 am to 1 pm)
1st Round (admissions after document verification) 26-09-2024 to 28-09-2024 (10 am to 1 pm)
2nd Round (admissions after document verification) 01-10-2024 to 04-10-2024 (10 am to 1 pm)

No exam data available.

Important Events and Key Dates

MBA/PGDM IEMCET 2026Jan 15, 2025 - Mar 12, 2025Ongoing
CAT 2024 result announcement December 2025 - December 2024Tentative

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