Placement Percentage Overview
Yearly Placement Percentage from 2024. This graph showcases the yearly placement performance at IIHMR University, highlighting trends in placement percentages. The latest recorded placement percentage is 75.0%, and the lowest during this period is 75.0%. This data helps stakeholders assess the consistency and effectiveness of placement drives, identifying areas for improvement and success.
Package Overview
Yearly package details from 2020 to 2024. This chart provides an overview of the highest, average, and median packages offered at IIHMR University, helping to analyze the trends and distribution of compensation over the years. For instance, the highest package in recent years reached 35.6L, showcasing the peak salary offered. Meanwhile, the average package stood at 0, providing a consistent indicator of general compensation levels. The median package, reported as 0, highlights the midpoint of salaries, ensuring representation of typical compensation trends. Stakeholders can use this data to assess overall performance and competitiveness in the job market.