Mathematics |
Algebra, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Polynomial Equations, Permutation and Combination, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Binomial Theorem, Metrics, Sets, Relations and Mappings, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions, Calculus |
Physics |
Physical World, Measurement, Units & Dimensions, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Motion of Centre of Mass, Connected Systems, Friction, Gravitation, Bulk Properties of Matter, Viscosity, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Oscillations & Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effect of Current, Magnetics, Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics I (Ray Optics), Optics II (Wave Optics), Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Electronics |
Chemistry |
Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic, Atomic Structure, Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry, The Periodic Table and Chemical Families, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Coordination Compounds, Solid State, Liquid State, Gaseous State, Chemical Energetics and Chemical Dynamics, Chemical Equilibria, Physical Chemistry of Solutions, Colloidal Solutions, Electrolytic Solutions, Non-Electrolytic Solutions, Ionic and Redox Equilibria, Hydrogen, Chemistry of Non-Metallic Elements and Their Compounds, Carbon, Oxygen and Sulphur, Halogens, Chemistry of Metals, General Principles of Metallurgy, Lanthanides, Actinides, Chemistry in Industry, Polymers, Surface Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Hybridization of Carbon, Conformations of Ethane and n-Butane, Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes, Oxymercuration-de-mercuriation, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Ethers, Carboxylic Acids, Aliphatic Amines, Aromatic Compounds, Amines, Haloarenes, Phenols, Application Oriented Chemistry, Introduction to Biomolecules, Carbohydrates, ADP and ATP, Principles of Qualitative Analysis |