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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE-2025)

State-level exam for UG engineering and technology program admissions in West Bengal.

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The authority of the University will release the specific syllabus for WBJEE on the official website. WBJEE 2025 syllabus will include topics from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Candidates must go through the WBJEE syllabus before starting to prepare for the entrance exam.

Subject Topic
  1. Algebra
  2. Logarithms
  3. Complex numbers
  4. Polynomial equation
  5. Permutation and combination
  6. Principle of mathematical induction
  7. Binomial theorem
  8. Matrics
  9. Sets, relations and mappings
  10. Relation and its properties,
  11. Statistics and probability
  12. Trigonometry
  13. Coordinate geometry of two dimensions
  14. Coordinate geometry of three dimensions
  15. Calculus
  1. Physical world, measurement,
  2. units & dimensions,
  3. Kinematics
  4. Laws of motion
  5. Motion of centre of mass,
  6. connected systems,
  7. friction
  8. Gravitation
  9. Bulk properties of matter
  10. Viscosity
  11. Thermodynamics
  12. Kinetic theory of gases
  13. Oscillations & waves
  14. Electrostatics
  15. Current electricity
  16. Magnetic effect of current
  17. Magnetics
  18. Electromagnetics induction & alternating current
  19. Electromagnetic waves
    optics I (ray optics)
    Optics II (wave optics)
  20. Atomic physics
  21. Nuclear physics
  22. Solid state
  23. electronics
  1. Chemical equilibria
  2. Chemical energetics
  3. Chemical energetics and chemical dynamics
  4. Gaseous state
  5. Liquid state
  6. Solid state
  7. Coordination compounds
  8. Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  9. The periodic table and chemical families
  10. Radioactivity and nuclear chemistry
  11. Atomic structure
  12. Atoms, molecules and chemical arithmetic
  13. Chemical dynamics
  14. Order and molecularity
  15. Physical chemistry of solutions
  16. Colloidal solutions
  17. Electrolytics solutions
  18. Non-electrolytic solutions
  19. Ionic and redox equilibria
  20. Ionic equilibria
  21. Redox equilibria
  22. Hydrogen
  23. Chemistry of non-metallic elements and their compounds
  24. Carbon
  25. Oxygen and sulphur
  26. Halogens
  27. Chemistry of metals
  28. General principles of metallurgy
  29. Principles of chemistry
  30. Lanthanide
  31. Actinoids
  32. Chemistry in industry
  33. Polymers
  34. Surface chemistry
  35. Environmental chemistry
  36. Chemistry of carbon compounds
  37. Hybridization of carbon
  38. Conformations of ethane and n-butane
  39. Compounds
  40. Alkanes
  41. Alkenes and alkynes
  42. Oxymercuration-demercuration
  43. Haloalkanes and haloarenes
  44. Alcohols
  45. Ethers
  46. Carboxylic acids
  47. Aliphatic amines
  48. Aromatic compounds
  49. Amines
  50. Haloarenes
  51. Phenols
  52. Application oriented chemistry
  53. Introduction to biomolecules
  54. Carbohydrates
  55. ADP and ATP
  56. Principles of qualitative analysis

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